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City Government

City manager outlines goals for 2019

City Manager Al Noyola wants to create a historic preservation plan this year and continue to build confidence in Boulder City’s leadership and staff.

Concerns about dry lake bed aired

Concerns about preserving the dry lake bed were raised to City Council as it approved leasing more than 200 acres of it for solar development.

Three announce candidacy for city office

Candidate filing for Boulder City’s 2019 municipal election starts in two weeks, and several residents already have announced their plans to run for city offices.

Voters to weigh in on pool, debt, off-road vehicles

Boulder City will be asking its residents to weigh in on financing a pool, refinancing debt and whether off-highway vehicles should be allowed on city streets. The issues will be on four ballot questions City Council approved for the 2019 municipal election at its meeting Tuesday, Jan. 8.

State of City scheduled

Boulder City Mayor Rod Woodbury will present his State of the City address next week, continuing an annual tradition of informing city residents about past accomplishments and what to expect in the coming months.

The Latest
City, county working on agreement for court

Boulder City and the Clark County Commission have yet to reach a written agreement for the town’s municipal court judge as required by a new county policy.

Three seats on council to expire in June

The City Council election in June could change the face of the city’s leadership as three of its members are up for re-election.

Complete street, power line projects set to start in 2019

The start of the new year Tuesday puts several projects and issues on the horizon for Boulder City residents. Here are a few to watch for.

City makes historic preservation top goal

Historic preservation will be more of a priority for the city in the future as it is one of the five goals adopted in the new strategic plan.

City’s motion to disqualify judge denied

A District Court judge denied Boulder City’s motion to disqualify Judge Richard Scotti in a case involving a former resident’s crosswalk protest because the city did not bring forward a substantive reason.

People protest proposed procedure plans

Boulder City residents filled City Hall on Tuesday evening to protest revisions to council procedure that would have changed their ability to comment and the requirements putting items on the agenda.

Airport manager takes county position

The manager of Boulder City Municipal Airport is leaving for a new a position in Clark County.

Esser honored for service to community

Longtime Boulder City resident and professional musician Phil Esser has more than one reason to celebrate this holiday season.

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