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City to draft ballot questions

City Council approved having staff move forward with drafting three ballot questions for the pool after talking in circles about the topic for almost an hour.

Moves complicate visitation, custody issues

This week I continue on the topic of child custody and some common issues. In almost all states, the relocating parent is required to make a proposed visitation schedule, including the times and places for visitation with the noncustodial parent in the new location. Often this includes extended access times during major holidays, spring breaks and summer months.

Scope of homeless issue surprises staff

The homeless issue in Boulder City is bigger than one man living in a mine shaft, according to recent reports from staff.

Council hears alternative uses for city buildings

Boulder City’s long-awaited facility survey has been published and the public will have a chance to provide input about it in the near future.

The Latest
BCR launches E-edition

You can now read and see the Boulder City Review exactly as it appears in print no matter where you are in the world.

Evan’s restaurant sold as owner prepares to retire

Longtime locals favorite restaurant Evan’s Old Town Grille has been sold and will be remodeled and reopened under a new name and management in the spring.

News Briefs, Feb. 6

Traffic in town to be affected as vessel heads to Lake Mead

Police Blotter, Feb. 6

Jan. 28, 1:52 p.m.

Tenants’ future hangs in air

Hangar owners at Boulder City Municipal Airport want their land leases extended or new ones created rather than having their property revert to city ownership in July.

Proposed energy zone expansion OK’d

More than 1,000 acres of land was added to the city’s land management process for renewable energy uses.

New fire chief on the job

The town’s new fire chief, William Gray, started work Monday and said he is looking forward to bringing different ideas to the department and settling into the community.

Changes recommended for city buildings

A consultant is recommending changes to several city buildings, according to a recently released draft report that will be presented to City Council at a workshop Tuesday, Feb. 4.

News Briefs, Jan. 30

City named one of five finalists for Good Government award

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