A staff member at Boulder City’s Nevada State Railroad Museum was named Nevada’s Veteran Employee of the Month on Friday.
A plan by Boulder City to position itself as a hub for visitors of all ages to connect with outdoor adventure opportunities in the area is one of six proposals recently selected by Travel Nevada to participate in a new Destination Development Demonstration program designed to build tourism.
Serving the community, providing a better solution to how the city treats its wastewater and dealing with higher costs and inflation top city leaders’ goals for the new year.
An ordinance reducing minor traffic offenses from crimes to civil matters went into effer Jan. 1
After two years of virtual programming, the Dam Short Film Festival will be held in person.
A bag full of silver dollars dating back to the 1870s, a bucket of change, some dice in an old cigar box and a box of blank checks were among the items discovered when a historic safe was opened at the Railroad Pass on Dec. 29.
Christmas tree recycling continues in Boulder City through Jan. 15.
People 65 and older now account for nine of out 10 COVID-19 deaths, a higher proportion than at any other time in the pandemic.
Seven people were injured when a helicopter that routinely takes tourists to the Grand Canyon made a hard landing at the Boulder City Municipal Airport around 4:30 Tuesday, Dec 27, afternoon, a Boulder City official said.
As we reflect on the past 12 months, there are many moments and events that stand out.
Letters detailing the circumstances surrounding the ouster of Boulder City’s former city attorney and city manager were delivered to the mayor and council members late last month.
Our local temperatures may seem mild, but we are facing some colder days and with that comes a winter chill — and sneezing, coughing, sore throat and more.
The Southern Nevada Water Authority has a plan for how the seven states that rely on the Colorado River can protect Lake Mead and Lake Powell.
Nevada’s Avi Kwa Ame, meaning “Spirit Mountain” in Mojave, will become a national monument, President Joe Biden announced Nov. 30 at his White House Tribal Nations Summit.