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This week’s letters June 6

I have been maintaining the Hotel Plaza clock and chime system for the Chamber of Commerce for several years. I faithfully change it from daylight saving time to standard, and back again every year.

It used to be automatic until Congress changed the dates of the change. The exact time is updated by satellite every minute and I would guess that the Hotel Plaza clock is the most exact time in Boulder City. This year I changed it and checked that the chimes were chiming the correct hours.

I was surprised to read Ms. Monilaws’ letter to the editor May 30 in which she claimed the chimes were an hour off. I checked that same morning and the chimes were dead on. Nothing has been changed. The chimes also operate off of the same satellite clock.

As far as the preamble goes, I totally agree with her that it should come before the hour strike. However, there is a glitch in the computer program that operates the chimes that makes it happen in reverse. I have been working with an engineer from the clock company to resolve the issue. I’m glad that someone is listening to and appreciating, the chimes.

If anyone sees or hears a problem with the clock or chimes they are welcome to call me at 293-4380.

Steve Cottrell

Longtime Scout leader stepping down

One of the benefits of being a Boulder City citizen is the opportunity to serve that community through volunteer activities. And it’s even better when that service is a true joy.

This week Kathy Echler steps down from 22 years of service to the Girl Scouts of America in Boulder City. Twenty-two years is no fly by night commitment to Scouting.

Kathy has been a tireless and dedicated leader for scores of girls who are now strong, successful young women. Her current troop, Troop 65, ends its life as a troop this week, as most of the girls are seniors in high school. They will become adult Scouts and hopefully pass on their dedication to Scouting to others.

Thank you, Kathy, for your loving and tireless work for the Girl Scouts of Boulder City.

Scouting in Boulder City is in desperate need of women willing to lead and nurture troops. Girls need the leadership, knowledge and wholesome good fun offered by Scouting. We are not just sellers of cookies. Won’t you consider becoming a Girl Scout leader and help prepare girls for the future? Girls need you and Boulder City needs Girl Scouts.

Patricia L. Jacobson

Accentuate the positive, not the negative

It continues to astound me how certain letter writers in our beautiful city continue to highlight all the negatives rather than concentrate on all the good that happens in this little town of ours. If a person doesn’t like our golf courses, thinks city hall is full of corruption, doesn’t think our local organizations and churches should try to find ways to raise money to help others, doesn’t like what the Chamber of Commerce is doing to help businesses, thinks taxes are too high or doesn’t like the way tax money is being spent, why do they continue to reside in Boulder City? Rather than continually writing long, rambling, negative letters, maybe they should spend their time looking for a Shangri-La somewhere in the U.S. and move there. The grass isn’t always greener on the other side.

Theresa Krause

Reflection Park undergoing changes

Has anyone driven by Reflections Park lately by the old water treatment plant. If you haven’t, make an effort to see the changes that have been occurring there under the stewardship of Chris Frausto. She approached the park with concern about the neglect and vandalizing and saw the potential. She started by clearing the debris and collaborating with horticulturist Cheryl Waites about new plantings.

Chris contacted Desert Sculptors about the repair of one vandalized sculpture. They recently installed three new pieces, a costly installation, at their own expense. Three more are planned.

Chris has seen to the installation of new lighting on the entry tree (more lighting to come), and is in the process of having a flag added to the flag pole. She saw to the addition of decorative tiles created by Boulder City, and much of this was at her own expense.

This will truly be a lovely setting for the people of Boulder City to come and sit, rest, meditate, or do what the name implies, reflect.

Jay Connell


Thank you, BCR

A close call