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Letters to the Editor

Pet food, supply donations appreciated

Here's a big thank-you to all who have donated pet food and pet-related items to our annual drive to help our Emergency Aid of Boulder City.

See Spot Run collected donations in November and December. Emergency Aid could use our help year-round.

You can drop off unopened bags of pet food that are within their expiration date at Professional Pet Room & Groom, 707 Canyon Road, No. 105a.

See Spot Run and Emergency Aid know first-hand how much each donation is appreciated.

Thank you for your support.

Reg Hanneman

See Spot Run


Buildings' 'save' didn't last long

I just wanted to thank the fine folks that "saved" Mel's Diner and the doll store, and then eventually boarded up three businesses.

What's up with the awful ugly paint job of black and blue? They should have been made to repaint it in colors that matched the other buildings in the area.

Jenny Silvia


Thank you, BCR

A close call