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Letters to the Editor

More Republicans should be like Democrat dogs

Yes, dogs are most certainly like Democrats. They are happy to work when given the opportunity.

Dogs are personal assistants to handicapped people, give comfort to children in hospital and people in nursing homes, and help teach children about love and responsibility. They are hunters, herders and rescuers in earthquakes or avalanches. They are soldiers, police and security guards. Some are in show business.

And many are great domestic help playing with the children, bringing in the paper and giving their humans love and comfort or even warning of fire.

I just wish that more of the Republicans in state and federal government cared as and did as much work to help people as these Democrat dogs.

Barbara J. Polk

Ridge may be hiding good source of water

My compilation of technical solutions to water shortages is linked at padrak.com/vesperman. Its "Primary Water" chapter suggests that the mountainous ridge along the north side of Boulder City may be hiding a source of abundant pure primary water.

Primary water originates from chemical processes many miles deep within the Earth's mantle. Japanese laboratory experiments have shown that there may be up to five times more primary water deep underground than in all the oceans, lakes and rivers combined.

Locating sources of primary water promising enough to justify the expense of drilling usually starts with dowsing and observing geological and biological indicators generally associated with sources of primary water. Ground electrical resistivity measuring methods often help pinpoint narrow, conductive fractures in the underlying bedrock that serve as conduits for water generated at depth.

A few dozen meters east of the upper end of the Bootleg Canyon zip line is where the ridge separates into reddish rock to the west and dark rock to the east. Mining engineer Pal Pauer has had a successful record of finding primary water sources around the world. He even has located and drilled over 75 primary water wells in arid East Africa that serve thousands of families. If he can confirm my suspicion, it would be easy to haul a water well drilling rig on the existing road to the top of the ridge.

Gary Vesperman


Thank you, BCR

A close call