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Letters to the editor

Boulder City Library unfriendly to snowbirds

I’m a snowbird. We travel to the south during the winters to escape the snow and cold of Wyoming and enjoy the warmth of the Southwest. I’m also an avid reader and love to be able to use public libraries whenever we choose to roost.

I’ve always been able to secure a library card for use in any city very easily, in fact, always welcomed. When I applied for one at Boulder City Library I found that it wasn’t easy. The library seemed to want to discourage anyone (who was) not a Boulder City resident. They put a minimum 60-day residency requirement, and even put an expiration date on the card (that’s a first for me).

I have several library cards from other libraries — all simple and easy to obtain and no expiration dates.

With Boulder City I guess if I choose to spend time and money in the future in Boulder City, I have to go through some of the unfriendly staff again.

As a former resident, property owner and taxpayer of Boulder City I would guess I’ve paid for some of the books in the library. We have always looked forward to spending time in Boulder City; the experience at the library doesn’t reflect or encourage this.

Eric Raecke

Buffalo, Wyo.

BCHS teachers are special, deserve to be heard

Wow! In regard to the story last week regarding construction at Boulder City High School I can only say how impressed I am when elected officials threaten their constituents. Our (Clark County School District) school board representative Deanna Wright doesn’t believe any teachers are special including those at BCHS.

All this time I thought the teachers at BCHS were indeed special. A school that consistently produces some of the highest achieving students in Clark County must have something going for it. My money is on the high quality and “specialness” of the BCHS teachers who prepare these students.

My message to trustee Wright is simple. Rather than you yanking funding for improvements that are well past due let’s pull your seat on the school board in election 2016 and give it to someone who does think teachers are special and deserve a majority say in how schools are constructed.

Councilman Cam Walker has only recently asked for interested parties to discuss their views. This is an issue that has been discussed for years and apparently Mr. Walker didn’t bother to talk to teachers who are most responsible for educating the next generation. I hope this isn’t another situation where he is using a position of authority to benefit the company he works for. Let’s retain the specialness of BCHS while improving it.

Kiernan McManus

Thanks to The Homestead for bringing Campbell’s story to BC

A huge thank you to The Homestead of Boulder City and Volunteers of America for a wonderful evening last Friday and Boulder Creek Golf Club for hosting the Glen Campbell documentary, “Glen Campbell: I’ll Be Me.”

Whether you are primarily a country music fan or not, folks would have to agree the evening was perfect. Nancy Massena, who sang while the people were eating refreshments, which were much (more) than that, did a fine job of entertaining. The documentary showing Glen’s life, family and the growth of his career and finally into the onset of Alzheimer’s disease was fascinating and even evoked a tear or two.

Frank Munoz, who grew up in Albuquerque, went to dances there when Glen was just beginning so it brought back a lot of memories for him. The venue was full. Many thanks again. It was a perfect evening.

Barbara Link and Frank Munoz


Thank you, BCR

A close call