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Letters to the editor

Government responsible for many jobs, especially in Boulder City

Am I the only one that finds it ironic that Chuck Muth’s Jan. 29 column denouncing the idea of government job creation, appears in the Boulder City Review, considering the fact that Boulder City itself was created by the federal government?

The Hoover Dam project created thousands of jobs and still directly employs hundreds — not to mention generating electricity and recreation for millions. Indirectly many, many more jobs in the city exist because of that government program.

And what about the other government projects? The interstate highway system, the Tennessee Valley Authority, the Rural Electrification program, the transcontinental railroad. All are programs that stimulated the economy and created permanent jobs. None of these projects would have — or could have — been done by private enterprise.

While it’s a legitimate argument that government sometimes overreaches, it’s ludicrous to say it cannot create jobs.

Steve Osborne


Thank you, BCR

A close call