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Letters to the Editor

Business owners responsible for their employees

I didn’t think I’d ever have to reply to a letter such as the one written by Mr. Carl Harris, an Elm Street business owner. No: I don’t have a business on Elm Street or any other place in Boulder City, although I do own several commercial rental properties. However, I don’t have anything to do with their day-to-day business operations: They do very well on their own. If you have a problem, take it up with the business owners.

Also, in last Thursday’s Boulder City Review, there was an article regarding the fees due to various attorneys. I see Boulder City as one team — and we’re all on it.

The fees are exorbitant, but the deal was made and we, as citizens, are responsible.

One thing I don’t understand is why we can elect/pay council members to guide us, yet one of them can represent residents to sue the city and collect legal fees from the city in the capacity of an attorney while they’re still on the Boulder City payroll.

I don’t like what’s going on, but I have voting power that I can (and will) exercise.

Regardless, let’s keep Boulder City clean and green, the oasis of the desert.

Pepper Coombes

Summer reading program

great for teens

It was great to see the award-winning readers’ pictures in the paper. Congratulations to them both.

The Spark a Reaction library program got a tremendous one from my son, Joshua Reams. He read over 10,000 pages over the duration of the summer; 10,569 pages to be exact. That equals 30 novels and in this day and age, that’s remarkable for a teenager. He also spent a good amount of time volunteering at the library as well.

His favorite authors include James Patterson and Tom Clancy.

Praises to the Boulder City library for having such wonderful programs to occupy teenagers’ time.

Now if I could just get him to do his homework, but that’s another matter.

Susan Reams

Beneficiary should not

determine if tax is good

In answer to Clark County School District employee Valerie J. McNay’s letter to the editor last week, I cringe that she, as the potential beneficiary of a new tax, considers herself as an expert in obtaining that tax. That letter suggests that profits are bad, shareholders are evil and that “fair shares” are best determined by those who get or distribute and not by those who pay and give.

Donald K. Pennelle


Thank you, BCR

A close call