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Letters to the editor

Education Initiative will hurt businesses

There are real effects from the proposed Education Initiative. Would you feel a tax that forced you to borrow money to pay the taxes was fair, because you did not have enough take-home pay?

In many businesses gross income and cash flow are vastly different, and borrowing would be necessary. There is no current federal or state tax that is so egregious.

Would you think it fair if you were taxed, even if you had little or no take-home pay? The Education Initiative does! If your take-home pay was $2,000 per month, would you think that a tax of $1,000 per month was unjust? Would this have a negative effect on your ability to care for your family? The Education Initiative asks this of some businesses.

Businesses will cut expenses, raise prices, reduce jobs, and reduce future pay increases because of this tax. Businesses looking to move to Nevada will look elsewhere.

Every Nevada citizen will pay more for all goods and services.

There is no guarantee the tax revenue will increase school budgets. The Education Initiative is a poorly thought out damaging tax. Vote no on the Education Initiative.

Lex Adams

President, RW Group


Thank you, BCR

A close call