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Letters to the Editor

Veteran honored to be part of excursion

I had the honor and privilege of being one of 29 World War II and Korean War veterans selected to be a part of Honor Flight Southern Nevada’s semiannual excursion to the war memorials including Arlington Cemetery in the Washington, D.C., area in late April.

This was a fully expense paid trip supported by many people and groups, both financially and personally. This effort is not unique to this area. There are approximately 130 similar units throughout our country.

We, as a group, were honored and applauded by total strangers at both McCarran International and Balitmore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall airports, including military and bagpipe groups. Most inspiring was the children including the Girl Scouts of Southern Nevada and teenagers brought to these airports for the purpose of greeting us veterans. The also prepared and gave to us individual, simple, thoughtful gifts and cards.

A mail call was included on our return trip on the airplane. Each veteran received a personal packet containing letters and notes from young and teenaged children from schools throughout the valley. This was very touching to say the least.

Based upon what I have seen and experienced from adult strangers and children of all ages, this country, the U.S.A., will continue to have a bright and promising future.

So many people selflessly gave of themselves for the benefit of others. I say to them thank you on behalf of myself, and I am certain on behalf of the rest of the veterans on this memorable trip.

Over 16 million men and women actively participated in World War II. Less than 1 million remain.

Some veterans may be unaware of the existence of Honor Flight Southern Nevada. Even wheelchair-bound veterans are accommodated. I suggest they themselves, a family member or friend contact either the American Legion or the Veterans of Foreign Wars organizations on their behalf and they will advise how to proceed and take deserving future advantage of this unique experience.

Howard Usik

Moving road signs might prevent crashes

Will it take another accident on U.S. Highway 93 to pay attention to the sign that is placed in the wrong location at Industrial Road directing traffic to Las Vegas?

It is too late to move the large sign across from Albertsons to a better location, but the small sign at Industrial Road can be moved further down the hill in the open space to give traffic more time to get in the right lane.

Traffic in the left lane cannot see the small sign at Industrial Road until it is too late to move over. Many times cars have cut me off trying to change lanes. In time those cars may tangle with a truck that cannot yield fast enough.

Another issue is the small sign directing trucks to change lanes to turn left at the light coming into Boulder City. They need more warning in time to move over.

When the traffic is heavy it is hard for them to change lanes. There is enough open space before Veterans Memorial Drive to relocate the sign. It seems to me that these suggestions would be an easy fix.

Writing to the Nevada Department of Transportation has not helped. Maybe the public will take notice.

Carolyn Pestana

Nothing to fear

A June 13 letter by Norma Vally claimed Pride Month in Boulder City is an example of identity politics that will cause divisiveness in our safe, kind, and welcoming town. I cannot disagree more.