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Letters to the Editor

Rockers, rollers and strollers help promote center event

The Senior Center of Boulder City enriches the lives of adults who are 50 and older in Boulder City by providing many different programs and services. One of the programs which has been highly successful is the Meals on Wheels, a program dedicated to ending senior hunger and isolation.

In partnership with the Meals on Wheels Association of America, the Senior Center of Boulder City not only provides nutritious meals to homebound seniors, but additionally, our volunteer MOW drivers make personal contact with seniors who are at risk of becoming isolated and forgotten.

On March 12, the senior center is hosting a fundraising event for this outstanding and essential senior service. Our first Rock, Roll & Stroll will be held at Veterans' Memorial Park from 9 a.m. to noon where seniors, their friends and families, and community members can participate by "rocking" in rocking chairs, "rolling" around the pond in a wheelchair or "strolling" around the beautiful park. The event will also feature fun entertainment and delicious food for purchase and a raffle with some prizes up for grabs such as dining certificates to places around town, a stay at the Boulder Dam Hotel for two, a helicopter tour and cash prizes, just to name a few.

In preparation for the event we are asking you to keep your eyes out for people rocking, rolling and strolling around town. These groups will be signified by bundles of green and blue balloons. If you come across these groups, call the Senior Center of Boulder City and tell them what activity you saw, where you saw it, and give them your name and phone number for a free entry into our raffle. All winners will be announced at the official Rock, Roll & Stroll event on March 12.

So please join us in getting the word out and be part of the fun!

Victoria Mason

Executive director, Senior Center of Boulder City


Sanders gives Americans hope

Bernie Sanders scored an amazing victory in the New Hampshire primary. Some would say it was "yuge." The vote was by the people and for the people, and we would not be denied.

The people took that first step toward a political revolution that treats our students as the future rather than a new beggar class, our grandparents as family rather than entitlements, and the sick as needing our care and not our resentment — a movement that reminds us that America was built on the sacrifices of working people, not on glib words by bombastic tycoons.

The American people have not only awakened to the plague of establishment politics, but we have remedied our collective malaise by showing up to the polls. The battle was raged by ordinary people who "Felt the Bern" versus an increasingly out-of-touch establishment that counts votes in dollar equivalents. While the establishment counted the deluge of money from a few billionaires and corporate monopolies, the Sanders' campaign counted votes — they counted on us.

And now the challenge moves to our home state of Nevada where I hope to represent you in Congress. But before I ever get the chance to ask you for your vote and your support, I call on you to vote for Bernie Sanders on Feb. 20.

We have never had a vote as important as this. We now get to choose if America will be a country where our people can aspire to new possibilities and prosperity for all or a country relegated to a continued oligarchy of the donor class. Today, the rich gets richer every day while our families struggle, our parents go without care, and our kids' great potential is dashed by a new-age poverty.

As a progressive candidate for Nevada's 3rd Congressional District, I am proud of Bernie Sanders. He has run a positive campaign about the issues we are feeling right here in Nevada fueled only by the passion and support of hard-working people.

I dare to dream again, thanks to Bernie. I dare to dream that a college education will no longer mean our kids are left with a mortgage without a house. I dare to dream that all working Americans will receive a living wage. And I dare to dream that one day health care will be seen as a basic human right. Let's revive this dream together and bring about a political revolution.

I offer my endorsement of Sen. Sanders as our next president of the United States. I urge you to show up on Saturday to cast your vote for Bernie. Nevada, let's #FeeltheBern.

Jesse Sbaih,

Democratic candidate for Nevada's 3rd Congressional Distrist


Student seeks information about Nevada

I am a student at Cascade Christian School in Puyallup, Wash., and I am writing a report on the state of Nevada. I am responsible for gathering as much information as I can about my state. If any of you would like to help me by sending any pictures, postcards, used license plates, facts, products, etc., from your state, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much.


Fifth-grader at Cascade Christian School

601 9th Ave. S.E.

Puylallup, Wash., 98372

Editor's note: The address to send information was inadvertently omitted from last week's paper

Nothing to fear

A June 13 letter by Norma Vally claimed Pride Month in Boulder City is an example of identity politics that will cause divisiveness in our safe, kind, and welcoming town. I cannot disagree more.