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Letter to the editor

Thanks to the community for supporting the arts

An event such as the recent Boulder City Public Art Scape’s eighth annual fall festival Taste for the Arts could never come to completion without the efforts of many individuals and businesses. To that end, I would like to acknowledge those who made this a special event for all who attended.

Thank you to those from the community who have supported us this year and in the past with their attendance and generous participation in both our live and silent auctions. The results of your commitment to the BCPAS has made possible the permanent placement of 22 statues throughout old town Boulder City. These statues are enjoyed by many as I have seen people walking along with brochures in hand, taking pictures.

Thank you to all our artists; without them an “art scape” would be bleak. Because of their willingness to contribute each year we have had the privilege of experiencing a broad range of styles, beauty and emotion.

Volunteers pull things together in so many areas; to those people who show up, a special thanks for your time, energy and commitment. Thank you for placing the donations for the auction, to setting up the tables, and building a lively and festive mood at the gala. There is no seeming end to your kindness and encouragement.

Generous donations from businesses and individuals create opportunity for much fun during the live and silent auctions. My appreciation and thanks for their large and small donations, each one so important to our success.

Finally my deep gratitude to our Art Scape committee. Friendship and working together has been fulfilling and rewarding. Thank you for all your earnest endeavors on the part of Art Scape.

Darlene Burk


Thank you, BCR

A close call