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Community Briefs

Bikini Barrel Race on tap at arena

The fourth annual Bikini Barrel Race presented by Stop the Clock Barrel Racing will be held Saturday at the L.L. Miller Arena at the Boulder City Horseman’s Association, 1 Corral Road.

Competition will begin at 8 p.m., with time only runs scheduled from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The race is expected to attract between 80 and 100 participants. All riders must be wearing a bathing suit to compete.

Racers will compete for $2,500 in prizes and buckles. The entry fee for adults is $60, plus a $5 arena fee, and the fee for youths is $25, plus the $5 arena fee.

There is no cost to participants.

The cook shack will be open during the race.

For more information, visit http://www.stcbarrelracing.com.

Library to host teddy bear sleepover, club meetings

Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd., has several activities planned for the coming weeks. These include:

■ Odd Squad Club, 10 a.m. today in the community room. Part of a four-week session for kindergartners through fifth-graders.

■ Steam Club, 3:30 p.m. today in the community room. Explore science, technology, art and math through hands-on activities. For those age 6-11.

■ Beer brewing with Boulder Dam Brewing Co., 7 p.m. in the community room. Join Todd Cook from the Brewpub to learn about the brewing process and how the brewery was established. Note: There will be no alcohol at this presentation.

■ Keeping Kids Fit Club, 3:30 p.m. Friday in the community room. The six-week program educates kids and caregivers about the importance of eating and living healthy.

■ Anime club, 5 p.m. Monday in the board room. For those in junior high grades.

■ Teddy bear sleepover, 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. Tuesday in the community room. Bring a favorite stuffed animal for story time, leave it overnight and pick it up the next day to see what the animals were up to.

■ Author visit with Laura McBride, 3 p.m. Tuesday in the community room. Meet McBride, author of “We Are Called to Rise,” hear about her life and get copies of her book signed.

■ Positive Action for Teens, 1:30 p.m. Wednesday in the community room. WestCare will host a nationally recognized program for improving academic performance and behavior.

■ Family story time, 6 p.m. Wednesday in the community room.

Call 702-293-1281 for details, reservations or more information.

Lake Mead rangers to discuss local geology

Lake Mead National Recreation Area has a variety of special events happening in the coming week.

These include:

■ Ranger chat: “Lake Mead Rocks: Geology 101,” 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday and Sunday at the Alan Bible Visitor Center, 10 Lakeshore Road. Participants will learn how the landscape of the recreation area has changed over millions of years from tropical shallow seas to fiery volcanoes.

Call 702-293-8990 for additional information or to make reservations.

Soaring like an Eagle

By Abby Francis

Mind over matter

“You have the power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius

Cool down your home with hot-weather tips

It’s that time of year again when triple digits fill the week’s weather forecast. We know with rising temperatures come rising utility bills (often accompanied by rising blood pressure, yikes).

A popular Eagle tradition

The annual Boulder City High School Grad Walk was held this past Friday.

May the Fourth Be With You (a day early)

LEFT: Sophomore Delaney Loeslein gets some assistance during the class challenge of Hungry, Hungry Hippo at Friday’s BCHS year-end assembly.

DIY could be more costly and risky than DIFM

Back in the days of my home-show appearances, attendees would often ask me the same kind of question—“Do you think I could renovate my own bathroom (kitchen, bedroom…)?” To which I would always answer, “Do you know how to replace a light switch?” That would always make them chuckle.

Therapy dogs make testing ‘stress free’ at King Elementary

Test anxiety is a common concern for teachers, parents, and students, especially this time of year for King students as they prepare to take the state test for the first time.

Statehouse daughter heads services to veterans

It’s not out of the ordinary for journalists to sometimes leave the profession and try something new. Especially when they feel a family connection urging them to enter into a divergent field of employment. That’s what happened to one local individual.

Howard turns passion into full-time job

For many self-published authors, the passion to put words on a page ends up being a hobby they do when everyday life frees up a few minutes here and there to do so.