Effect of proposed residential water caps

The bill would give the Southern Nevada Water Authority the ability to cap residential water use during a federally declared water shortage.

Dale looks back on USC, TV show, bikes

Despite having many high points and a few lows along the way, Dale said he has no regrets when looking back on his life.

VOLTZ: Lost opportunities in better water use

In Boulder City and the southwestern U.S. generally, we have foolishly assumed Mother Nature will solve the problem of too much water use and inadequate supply.

‘This is really nice’: Just 23% of Nevada remains in drought

The storms that swept across the Western U.S. this winter dropped so much water that less than one-quarter of the nation’s driest state remains in drought.

Eagles volleyball team stays hot

Facing their stiffest test in 3A competition, the Eagles defeated Clark 3-1 on April 14, despite dropping their first match to a 3A opponent this season.

April 2023
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