Local businesses face difficult decisions

New restrictions imposed by Nevada Gov. Steve Sisolak are forcing local businesses to make difficult decisions.

Road planned for train museum expansion advances

Boulder City is moving forward with a new road for the proposed expansion of the Nevada State Railroad Museum.

Spirit of season worth celebrating

Welcome to our annual Taste of the Holidays issue.

Families thankful for holiday traditions

Families are trying to celebrate Thanksgiving this year in as normal a way as possible even though it could be different because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Coloring contest winners revealed

The inaugural Boulder City Review Christmas coloring contest showcased the best of the holiday spirit from community members of all ages.

High school homecoming goes virtual

In the midst of a pandemic, social distancing and distance learning, Boulder City High School found a way to celebrate Homecoming 2020 and crown the court by way of a virtual pep rally.

Turkey divan makes leftovers divine

One of the best things about the Thanksgiving holiday is enjoying the wonderful leftovers. Now, I don’t know about your post-turkey-day turkey, but mine usually has no legs, or thighs but lots of leftover breast. If that happens to your turkey too, then you’re going to love this week’s recipe: Turkey Divan.

Value of single-branch library system questionable

How would you react to paying up to 266 percent more at the local Albertsons for the same items sold at any other Albertsons in Clark County?

Facts undermine conspiracy theories

I generally don’t believe in conspiracy theories. I actually find most of them silly and baseless. The John F. Kennedy assassination in 1964 was likely the place where these alternate conspiracy theories were born. Along came the moon landing and the conspiracy theories questioning the authenticity of the event abounded. Then we have 9/11, one conspiracy advocate suggested the Twin Towers were rigged by the government to fall down.