The recent municipal election resulted in two new council members being elected. I congratulate Sherri Jorgensen and Matt Fox on their elections and welcome their input on City Council.
Who out there likes to see people suffer? Raise your hand, please. I am dead serious.
Neighbors, I have lived in Boulder City since 1979 and the new pool was just being built. Now the discussion (is) of a new pool to replace the old pool and the main topic is money.
Changes are on the horizon for Boulder City residents. While change and the unknown future can sometimes be scary, in this case, it is not.
Father’s Day was founded in Spokane, Washington, at the YMCA in 1910 by Sonora Smart Dodd. Its first celebration was in the Spokane YMCA on June 19, 1910. The Civil War veteran William Jackson Smart was a single parent who raised his six children there. Because Dodd’s father was born in June, she encouraged churches in her area to honor fathers that month.
When I began the 81st legislative session in the Nevada Assembly as a second-term legislator just a few short months ago, I was given a leadership position as minority whip. It has been my absolute honor to serve in this position.
When a conspiracy theory becomes a fact, what does the mainstream media call it?
How should we define community in Boulder City? I believe our community is certainly larger than the sum of the parts that make up the town. Parts of the community have a greater impact than others of course. One of the parts is the municipal pool that was built soon after Boulder City became a municipality in 1960. The original pool was replaced around 1980 with the existing pool. After 40 years, it is not surprising the current pool facility is in very poor condition.
The citizens of Boulder City are being given the opportunity to cast votes for what they value in a community. The upcoming ballot issue in regard to a new city pool runs much deeper than lap lanes and a dive tank. We are being asked to vote on community values.
A hearty congratulations are in order for members of Boulder City High School’s class of 2021.
As a former small business owner, I am a big proponent of capitalism. Capitalism is the primary engine that our economy is founded upon. Small businesses, entrepreneurship, free enterprise are some of the elements that make up the foundation that keeps our country’s economic engine purring.
Ever hear the phrase: “I’m a lover not a fighter”? Or maybe you heard it the other way around. No matter. I like to think of myself as a lover but ready to fight for what I love and believe. What about you?
Most local families rationally choose how they spend the finite amount of money available to them. Public spending needs to follow suit.
Broadbent Memorial Park encompasses five acres of recreational facilities, including a swimming pool, tennis courts and green space for picnic and play areas. The Boulder City Pool offers healthy, affordable, enriching and fun programs.
In 1962, President (John F.) Kennedy signed a proclamation, established by a joint congressional resolution, designating May 15 as Peace Officers Memorial Day to honor all peace officers who were killed or disabled in the line of duty. The week of May 15 was designated as National Police Week. This year, National Police Week is May 9-15.