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Credit Union, El Rancho Boulder top city league

After four games El Rancho Boulder and Credit Union are both unbeaten and lead the Boulder City Parks &Recreation’s Men’s Basketball League.

El Rancho Boulder, Credit Union, Woodbury Law and Flight S2S have been in the recreation league for several years with fairly consistent rosters. Fiochhi has competed for the past two years and gRIM reap and Duetto are new to the league this season.

Duetto is made up primarily of current high school seniors including Garrett Calloway, Eddie Feeney, Colton Boznos and Mario Castanan. In its first game, though, Duetto had 2013 UNLV Runnin’ Rebel grad Justin Hawkins show up and play.

Many players in the league are Boulder City alumni, including several of the player-coaches. Flight S2S is the defending postseason tournament champion, having knocked off perennial power El Rancho Boulder. But El Rancho is back on top this season.

The Credit Union is also sometimes called the coaches’ team because current and former Boulder City High coaches John Balistere, Jonas Hernandez, Kurt Bailey and Jeremy St. Arnault play for them when not occupied with school duties.

Woodbury Law is somewhat of a family affair, including Rod Woodbury and brother Adam, several of Rod’s sons (Joseph, and Sam), and several brothers-in-law (Dave Randall, Jordan Peel and Glenn Leavitt).

Recent results

On Jan. 21: Woodbury Law 47, Fiochhi 34; El Rancho Boulder 73, gRIM reap 46; Credit Union 53, Duetto 43.

On Jan. 23: Flight S2S 90, Duetto 50; Credit Union 44, Fiochhi 39; El Rancho Boulder 47, Woodbury Law 26.

Today’s schedule

Credit Union vs. Woodbury Law, 6:30 p.m.

Flight S2S vs. El Rancho Boulder, 7:30 p.m.

gRIM reap vs. Duetto, 8:30 p.m.

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