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Bowling Results


Overall high averages:

Youth: Ed Rassuchine 159

Teen: Teagan Smale 206

Ladies: Linda Barber 189

Mens: Joe Merrill 231

Tuesday Trios

High game and series: Diana Cavins 219, 569

Pins over average, game: Barb Pruitt +57

Pins over average, series: Becky Hower +127


High game, ladies: Alicia Smith 237

High series, ladies: Linda Barber 626

High game and series, mens: Michael Boreham 296, 742

Pins over average, game and series, ladies: Janet Olson +66, +92

Pins over average, game and series, mens: Michael Boreham +101, +154

Wednesday Seniors

High game and series, ladies: Diana Cavins 224, 565

High game and series, mens: Jim Coleman 239, 638

Pins over average, game and series, ladies: Rosie Jamison +48, +59

Pins over average, game and series, mens: Sam Cooper +85, +113

No Tap

High game and series, ladies: Marcia O’Neill 233, 616

High game and series, mens: Rick Renberg 255, 721

Pins over average, game and series, ladies: Marcia O’Neill +76, +145

Pins over average, game, mens: Sal Mizzi +80

Pins over average, series, mens: Dave Danca +113

Original Earlybirds

High game: Nancy Ward 200

High series: Dorothy Albright 497

Pins over average, game: Nancy Ward +61

Pins over average, series: Joan Stemmer +93

Mens Commercial

High game and series: Joe Merrill 280, 742

Pins over average, game: Barak Kessler +99

Pins over average, series: Terrance Rock +128

HiLo Scratch

High game and series, ladies: Lisa Sandoval 202, 521

High game, mens: Jim Coleman 247

Highseries, mens: Dick Knuth 681

Pins over average, game and series, ladies: Lisa Sandoval +54, +47

Pins over average, game, mens: Matt Esauk +69

Pins over average, series, mens: Dick Knuth +114

Almost Live

High game, ladies: Debbie Sixberry 235

High series, ladies: Janet Olson 600

High game, mens: Carl White Eyes 246

High series, mens: Matt Schermerhorn 696

Pins over average, game, ladies: Debbie Sixberry +62

Pins over average, series, ladies: Kim Cunningham +96

Pins over average, game and series, mens: Rob Bair +68, +128

Teen Adult

High game and series, youth: Randall Berkheimer 244, 602

High game and series, adult: Alicia Smith 202, 550

Pins over average, game, youth: Randall Berkheimer +59

Pins over average, series, youth: Max Hiebl +89

Pins over average, game, adult: Tess Headley +37

Pins over average, series, adult: Amanda Amico +30

Child Adult

High game and series, youth: Ed Rassuchine 185, Ed Rassuchine 503

High game and series, adult: Anett Hamilton 181, 518

Pins over average, game, youth: Krystal Amico +37

Pins over average, series, youth: Halle Bennett +50

Pins over average, game, adult: Kym Rassuchine +59

Pins over average, series, adult: Amanda Amico +71

Registration begins for youth sports

Registration is now being accepted from those interested in participating in Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department’s 2023 youth basketball or floor hockey leagues.

Trail provides glimpse into dam’s history

A trail passes through tunnels of Lake Mead history and hints at the challenges of taming a once-wild Colorado River to harness its water and power. The mostly flat Historic Railroad Trail allows walkers and bicyclists to travel back to the early 1930s on a path where tracks once guided trains hauling materials and critical components for Hoover Dam’s construction.

City Recreation

Youth sports return for fall

Pickleball proves popular; city to add courts

The sport of pickleball is expanding faster than the dry areas at Lake Mead, with over 5 million players nationwide. Boulder City has noticed this and, in a recent City Council meeting, approved $160,000 of the American Rescue Plan Act COVID-19 relief funds for additional courts in the city.

Fishers angle for best spot

Anglers covered the shorelines at Veterans’ Memorial Park on Saturday, June 11, as Boulder City hosted the Southern Nevada free fishing day event.

94-year-old still out on the green

Feeling younger than ever, 94-year old Virginia “Birdie” Hurst is an avid golfer who has no plans to slow down.

Catalina evokes visions of romance, nature

For many who grew up in the 1950s or ’60s, the name of Santa Catalina will always evoke the vision of California at its most romantic, thanks to the Four Preps’ influential pop song of the same name. But the actual island has helped city folk enjoy romance, nature and elegant surroundings in their preferred proportions for nearly a century.

Waterfall standout of Grand Staircase-Escalante

While it would take a lifetime to see all the extraordinary wonders of the 1.87-million-acre Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument in Utah, even on a short visit you can hike to some of the highlights. One of the standouts, that most people are eager to visit, is Lower Calf Creek Falls.