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Dirt bike riders share memories

A nostalgic look at childhood photographs prompted a recent reunion by those who raced dirt bikes in Boulder City about 50 years ago.

Planning for emergencies essential

The Boy Scout motto to “Be Prepared” has been ringing in my head for quite a while now. I have found that when something stays as top-of-mind, it means I probably need to take action on it. In this case, it has been in regard to the chamber’s daily operations as a business.

Dose of iron will help yew pine

Q. I have a 25-year-old Podocarpus on the north side of the house. It gets morning sun and afternoon shade. Every spring I apply chelated iron, but the last few years it hasn’t seemed to help much. The leaves look more yellow than green. What would you do and how long would you wait to see improvement, or to know if the plant should be replaced?

Business Beat: Longtime local businessman retiring

A longtime Boulder City business owner is retiring and trading his tools for something more relaxing.

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Teen’s Eagle Scout project to protect wildlife

A Boy Scout used his love of fishing to help protect wildlife at the Boulder City pond for years to come.

VA has hands full with old, new claims

Overall, the Department of Veterans Affairs in Southern Nevada has been doing an excellent job taking care of local veterans. Those individuals who have been in the area for the past 20 years can recall when treatment was not always up to par, but in recent years things have greatly improved.

Huff touched by community’s support

“It has been absolutely awesome to have this much support from friends, family and the community,” said Todd Huff on Friday evening as he and others gathered at the Nevada State Railroad Museum for a memorial ride and fundraiser.

Rotarians send ‘love’ to Emergency Aid

Members of two Rotary clubs in Boulder City gathered Feb. 8 to build “birthday bags” and collect nonperishable food for Emergency Aid of Boulder City.

Trip brings countrys construction, green practices to light

I recently returned from a month-long trip to Ivory Coast (Cote I’voire), West Africa. Visiting family there, I spent most of my time in homes as opposed to hotels. From high-rise condos and single-family houses to beach bungalows, I enjoyed an insider look at what middle- to upper-middle-class homes were like.

Full sunlight essential for growing grapes

Q. We just moved to Las Vegas few days ago and inherited an old grape vine growing under a pine tree. Does it need to be watered at all in winter? When and how it should be pruned? What should I do to revive it? It might be in a wrong position as it is under a large pine tree next to wall, so it probably doesn’t get much sun.

Library adds self-checkout kiosk to help patrons feel safe

With the pandemic still a part of everyday life, the Boulder City Library has implemented another way for patrons to access materials safely and confidently by way of its self-service checkout machine.

Colorful flowers attract butterflies

Q. I’m an avid gardener and want to plant host plants for various butterfly species, but especially monarchs after seeing my first one this past October. I am curious which milkweed is the best for me to plant from seed for monarchs and other butterfly species. I’m having a hard time finding seeds for Asclepias erosa (desert milkweed) and I’ve heard it’s sort of difficult to grow from seed. What are some other good host plants for butterflies in our area?

Leaders of veterans’ organizations attracted to Boulder City

As I have written many times, and as many Boulder City residents know, the town is a longtime supporter of veterans and veterans’ issues. Not only that, but several individuals who are leaders in statewide veterans’ associations reside here, helping to raise the profile of Boulder City even higher when it comes to leading the charge in support of veterans.

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