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Live the spirit of Christmas year-round

As we approach Christmas I am grateful for so many ways in which God’s blessings have been felt among us and mindful of those for whom this holiday season is also a time of difficulty. Those who are sick, those who grieve the loss of a loved one, those in job transition all look for the promise of the angel’s song in the Christmas story: “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.”

Interesting times clear way for Renaissance

Sometimes I feel like we are living in a reality show, catering to the fickle and unpredictable whims of the American public. There is an old saying, “May you live in interesting times!” Some say this was an ancient Chinese blessing, others that it was a curse. However you define the saying, we are certainly living in interesting times.

Turn off the TV, put up lights

My children can’t drive by Dale Ryan and Dyanah Musgrave’s home on Fifth Street without a smile and a request to stop at the “candy cane house.” Most are aware that this year Ryan had to start early to set up his amazing light show as part of preparation for a national TV show that was recognizing his particular and unique contribution to our community.

‘Wonderful Life’ triggers Rogers’ dam flop

In 1946, Boulder City and the Hoover Dam played host to a movie cowboy. Actor and singer Roy Rogers (born Leonard Franklin Slye) spent time in our city while filming the movie “Heldorado.” If you think I spelled the title wrong, think again.

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City leaders’ reputations tarnished

Last week, in his “Talk of the Town” column, Mayor Rod Woodbury wrote about how thankful he is, how glorious Boulder City is, and how much he wants the community to share with him their favorite photos. On the city’s website this is actually a contest being promoted, though no mention is made of either rules or prizes.

Sites around town are sights to behold

I love Thanksgiving. It always gives me good reason to pause, contemplate and express gratitude for the many wonderful blessings that fill my life. Last week, I made a personal Top 10 list of some of my favorite things to be thankful for. And this week I’d like to add one of my favorite things about Boulder City — specifically, its many dazzling vistas, view points and overlooks.

Refurbishing pool comes at a cost

Doing my research for this article I came across a very interesting website that should be required reading for all Boulder City residents — http://www.bcnv.org/DocumentCenter/Home/View/106. However, nowhere could I find information about the origins of the Boulder City Pool, which is sad as the pool has many enthusiastic customers who keep asking when are we getting our promised new pool?

Job opportunities flow out of Indian Springs

There are many agencies that offer the promise of employment to veterans. While few, if any, offer high-paying, executive level positions, they are often good starting points for newly minted veterans and part-time National Guard members and reservists. One site I suggest is sponsored by the Veterans of Foreign Wars and can be accessed at VetJobs.com.

Hope for better world needs a little help

“Hope needs some help.” I heard that sentence the other day from a talk show host. He added that he is always hopeful but not an optimist. His words got me to thinking.

Changing times requires change in thoughts

As a resident of Boulder City since 1965 I have seen our town evolve into a place that I will always call my hometown.

Thoughtful approach to growth best way to go

We finally have the presidential decision behind us, but another big decision still looms for Boulder City. It is clear from the mayor’s August opinion piece and talk of “right-sizing” that people are preparing to change Boulder City’s long-standing growth ordinance, and the sticking point is going to be the yearly cap of 120 homes and the individual developer cap of 30 homes.

Mob’s start in Nevada tied to dam workers

When the Hoover Dam was being built, the mob came through Boulder City. Benjamin “Bugsy” Siegel was known for his stamp on Las Vegas, but it was here in Boulder City that his first business opportunities in Nevada were proposed. Yes, Bugsy Siegel’s interest in Nevada started with the mafia asking him to solicit Hoover Dam workers as customers for illegal endeavors.

Governor catches eye of columnist

For 20 years, California’s Bakersfield Business Conference was a gem of a gathering in the Golden State, produced by the law firm of Borton Petrini LLP. Top business executives, American politicians, military spokesmen and veterans, plus world leaders, gave speeches at the all-day event on the campus of California State University, Bakersfield. I covered the event for its past six or seven years. When the two-decade anniversary was reached, the event was retired. Except the fans wouldn’t let it die.

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