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City Government

Community sees need for new pool

Many Boulder City residents agree the city needs a new pool, and they voiced their support for it at Monday’s Parks and Recreation Commission meeting, where the commissioners approved the first step in that process.

City working to improve downtown streetscape

In an effort to better the look of the streetscape in Boulder City, the Public Works Department is working to replace all the street name signs in town.

City starts million-dollar project to back up power grid

Boulder City is embarking on one of its largest projects in decades as part of its capital improvement plan, replacing the backup power supply.

Council OKs sale of Bristlecone land in three phases

In a divided vote, the City Council approved the final land sale agreement with StoryBook Homes to develop approximately 30 acres of land in the city.

The Latest
Improvements to Fifth Street underway

Work began Monday and will continue through the month on Fifth Street as the first part of a street reconstruction project in the city.

Planners OK landscape design, final map for townhomes

The Boulder City Planning Commission set a precedent at its June meeting by allowing driveway pavers to be considered landscaping for the planned townhome subdivision on Nevada Highway.

Public charging station under construction

Boulder City is continuing its efforts to be clean and green by installing its first public electric charging station. The charging station will be downtown in the public parking lot at North Escalante Park. It is under construction, and Acting City Manager Scott Hansen expects it to be finished in time for the July 4 parade.

Election results certified

The results of the recent general election are official as the City Council unanimously certified them for the secretary of state at a special meeting Tuesday morning.

Utility rates increase July 1

Starting in two weeks, Boulder City residents will see a utility cost increase that is part of a series of increases approved by the city for the next few years.

Airport gets $1.4 million grant for safety improvements

The United States Department of Transportation recently awarded the Boulder City Municipal Airport a $1.43 million grant for improvements to the facility.

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