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Golf Results

Oct. 2, Four-person team, Three Best Balls tournament for Plus 55 Boulder City Men’s/Women’s Golf Association:

Flight A:

First-place winners at 140: Phil Sewell, Amo Sanchez, Ken Delzer and Larry Arnold.

Second-place winners at 145: Bruce Courtney, Lauren Lucas, Mike Lucas and Alan Thomas.

Third-place winners at 146: Wade Cordray, Ernie Green, Carlene Voerding and Bob Kennedy.

Flight B:

First-place winners at 137: Kathy Mills, Jess Hamilton, Clark Newby and Wayne Ross.

Second-place winners at 139: Randy Lemos, Deb Lemos, Ken Ellis and Ruth Ellis.

Third-place winners at 140: Gerry Turner, Jim Turner, Teresa Giroux and Bob Wattenbarger

Closest to the pin winners on holes No. 4, 7, 14 and 17: Ray Thurston, Larry Eden, JR Nelson and Guest Dale Pittman.

Tournaments for those 55 and older are held every the first Thursday of the month.

September and October tournaments for Boulder City Men’s Golf Association:

The two September and two October tournaments were individual stroke play and the first two rounds played were averaged out and used to determine the two best gross scores for overall club champion and the two best net scores in each flight to determine club flight winners.

Gordon Garff at 143 and Kyle Davis at 144 were the best gross winners and they will play an 18 hole match play to determine the club champion and runner-up.

The best two net scores in each flight will also play an 18-hole match play to determine first and second places in each flight. The flight winners were:

Flight 1: Darryl Guitierrez at 143 and Bruce Gold at 144.

Flight 2: Bruce Courtney at 136 and Anthony Spingler at 142.

Flight 3: Sam Scalleta at 132 and Jim Tousignant at 132.

Flight 4: Dan Ward at 138 and Ernie Green at 142.

Flight 5: Ken Konops at 136 and Glen Colgate at 139.

Flight 6: Jason Ng at 139 and Ken Dezler at 147.

September closest to the pin results were not available.

Oct. 17 closest to the pin winners at holes No. 4, 7, 14 and 17 were Ken Konops, Wade Cordray, Gordon Garff and Carl Truman.

Oct. 18 closest to the pin winners at holes No. 4, 7, 14 and 17 were Mike Needy, Curt Ginnow, Bruce Courtney and Randy Lemos.

Men’s club tournaments are held every month on Friday and Saturday around the middle of each month.

Information on how to join these two Boulder City Golf Associations is available on the corresponding bulletin boards at Boulder City Municipal Golf Course.

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City Recreation

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