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Seen on Scene: At Boulder City High School’s Homecoming Celebration

Donavon Lockett/Boulder City Review

Newly crowned Boulder City High School homecoming queen Kelsey Bacon and king Michael Martinelli pose during the halftime ceremony at Friday’s football game at the school.

Noel Kanaley/Boulder City Review

Boulder City High School Principal Amy Wagner waved to onlookers as they cheered on the homecoming parade Sept. 29.

Noel Kanaley/Boulder City Review

Boulder City High School’s eagle mascot waved at spectators lining the streets during the homecoming parade Sept. 29.

Donavon Lockett/Boulder City Review

Homecoming court duchess Lana Attridge and duke Kolbe Boyle, kindergartners from Mitchell Elementary School, stand before the crowd after being announced at the football game halftime event held at Boulder City High School on Friday.

The marching band from Boulder City High School helped raise school spirit during the homecoming parade Sept. 29.

Noel Kanaley/Boulder City Review

Noel Kanaley/Boulder City Review

Members of Boulder City High School’s senior Homecoming Court Ben Missel and Skylor McKay make their way slowly on Fifth Street toward California Avenue as family, friends and supporters line the route for the Sept. 29 homecoming parade.

Noel Kanaley/Boulder City Review

Boulder City High School’s volleyball team was full of energy as it took part in this year’s homecoming parade on Sept. 29. Students came down the street in cars and on floats filled with school spirit as they waved to the passersby.

Members of the boys tennis team from Boulder City High School display their school spirit during the homecoming parade Sept. 29.

Noel Kanaley/

Boulder City Review

Noel Kanaley/Boulder City Review

The choir from King Elementary School joined homecoming festivities, singing and waving to those along the parade route Sept. 29.

Noel Kanaley/Boulder City Review

The choir from King Elementary School joined homecoming festivities, singing and waving to those along the parade route Thursday, Sept. 29, Check out other photos.

▶ page 11A

Soaring like an Eagle

By Abby Francis

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