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Fallen firefighters remembered at breakfast

It's that time of year again: the annual Pancake Breakfast hosted by the Boulder City Fire Department.

Every year the Boulder City firefighters open their doors to the public and cordially invite you to join us for the pancake breakfast. The firefighters of Boulder City like to open the doors to the station in October to honor the loss of our nation's fallen firefighters.

The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation honors its fallen firefighters every year with a great memorial. The Boulder City Fire Department has hosted the free pancake breakfast every year in coordination with that memorial.

Firefighters traditionally have one of the hardest jobs. Over the years the stress of this job takes a toll mentally, physically and spiritually for not only the brothers and sisters of the trade but also the friends and family members of each and every firefighter. The Boulder City Fire Department pays tribute and honors the courage and sacrifice of every fallen firefighter over the past year.

Since its inception in 1981 the memorial has taken great pride in honoring all of the fallen brothers and sisters. This year, there have been a reported 65 fallen firefighters. That means 65 brothers and sisters who had their last call, 65 families who are missing a relative, 65 firehouses missing a brother or sister.

The Boulder City Fire Department would like to thank all those who have served, and continue to serve in the fire service, and though they may be gone, they will never be forgotten.

This year's free pancake breakfast will be held from 7-11 a.m. Saturday. This is a great opportunity for families to come out and meet the firefighters who proudly and courageously serve your community. We encourage you to come and see the faces behind the masks.

Enjoy a free breakfast on us, take a tour of the fire station, walk around the firetrucks and rescue trucks, talk to a firefighter, and enjoy a wonderful morning. We will have pancakes, breakfast sausages, juice, coffee and water. The morning will wrap up with our chaplain Carl Swenberg offering a few words of peace.

If you have any questions, or are interested in donating to this wonderful event, please contact me at the fire station at 702-293-9228. We look forward to having a packed house!

Brian Shea is a Boulder City paramedic/firefighter.

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