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Season brings out best in people

There’s just something about December that tends to bring out the good in people. They seem to smile more and think about others more.

Nevada’s water proposal deserves good long look

The Department of Interior has shied away from imposing a comprehensive conservation plan on Colorado River users, preferring instead that the seven states involved hash out their own agreement to address shortages tied to drought and overallocation.

’Twas the baking before Christmas

A few years ago, many readers commented how much they enjoyed my column about holiday baking and requested that I make this an annual tradition. Though my holiday baking has since expanded into the entire month of December so that more family and friends can enjoy the fruits of my labor, the true spirit of the message remains. I promise to stay knee-deep in flour, sugar and spices, and wish all a sweet holiday season and new year.

Today’s puzzle: How to reduce stress

Since I am a writer, it should come as no surprise to anyone that I like words and word games. A favorite at my home is crossword puzzles and today we are celebrating because it has been proclaimed National Crossword Solvers Day.

December wonderful time to be in BC

As Andy Williams once sang, “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year.”

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Give thanks for all we have

Because the Boulder City Review publishes on Thursdays, I get the honor of wishing all of our readers a “Happy Thanksgiving” each year — and this year is no exception.

City true winner from elections

After months of campaigning, the 2022 election is complete. Ballots have been counted and congratulations are in order for those who were elected.

Preservation ordinance remains controversial

Last week, after years of discussion and planning, the City Council passed a new historic preservation ordinance.

Make your opinion heard: vote

By the time this issue hits people’s driveways and newsstands Thursday morning, our candidate forum, held Wednesday night, will be just a recent memory.

Role of journalists heralded

Each year newspapers across the country and Canada pause for a moment to mark National Newspaper Week.

A retreat to push us forward

Succeeding in today’s business climate is not an easy task. It’s even more challenging for women, who have had to overcome decades of inequality in the workplace while juggling traditional roles of keeper of the home and family.

Enjoy education’s escapades

Monday was a big day for Boulder City’s younger residents.

It’s time to ‘Be Boulder’

Except for those few moments every now and then when the cynical journalist in me creeps out, I like to consider myself a positive person. I look for the best in people and try to ignore, as much as possible, their faults.