Local gets four years with forgery plea

The leader of a group of six arrested in a counterfeit bust in February was sentenced to four years in state prison July 23.

Better than ever, but worse than before

When I was a boy, one of my favorite fruits was the tangerine. In those days, there was only one tangerine. I think it was called the Dancy. The fruit was loose inside the skin, which made it easy to peel, and the sections came apart easily so it wasn’t messy like an orange. And it tasted better, less bitter, than an orange.

Officials address Jewish war veterans

At an installation breakfast of officers of the Jewish War Veterans last month, Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., told members that she sits on the House Veterans Affairs Committee “and I requested that committee because in District 1, there are a number of veterans … and I wanted to be in a position where I could fight for those who deserved the best services and the best attention because of all the sacrifices they made for us over the years … and let me tell you that I will always be there as your advocate.”

A memorable three years overseeing the paper

This issue marks my three-year anniversary as editor of the Boulder City Review. It has been such an honor and a privilege to be the editor of the newspaper as it has tried to find its footing in your community.

Ronald Reagan was delusional!

In a recent MuthsTruths.com blog post, I wrote that conservatives in Nevada should put a slate of conservative GOP candidates together to challenge Gov. Brian Sandoval (R&R Partners) and the establishment slate of moderate Republican candidates he’s assembling for the six constitutional offices next year. That elicited this overwrought email from a longtime Republican activist in Las Vegas:

Briefs for Aug. 1 edition

The summer reading program, “Dig Into Reading,” runs through Aug. 8. Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.

Segerblom: Nevada to make bundle on medical marijuana

Future pot dispensary owners in Nevada are in a perfect position to make millions of dollars because the state is the only one in the country that plans to accept out-of-state medical marijuana cards, state Sen. Tick Segerblom told a 200-plus crowd Saturday.

Capitol Reef full of geologic wonders, fruit

Capitol Reef National Park, in south-central Utah’s red rock country, is a special jewel in our national park system. While most people visit to see, hike, or climb in the natural landscape, or to see the prehistoric rock art, many others go there to pick fruit or nuts. The park is home to the largest historic collection of orchards in our national park system with more than 3,000 fruit and nut trees.

Gebhart, Molisee win events at Junior Olympics

Nineteen local swimmers competed in the long-course competition July 24-28 in USA Swimming’s Junior Olympic Summer Championships at Mission Viejo, Calif.

Emergency Aid facilitated more than $200,000 in assistance last year

Don Walker, a director of Emergency Aid of Boulder City, walks into his office with a smile on his face. Walker, who has been a volunteer with Emergency Aid since 1990, is familiar with this building, and has seen his fair share of people who are in need of help walk in the doors.

Former Eagles track star Hollywood comedy writer

Mike Upchurch, Boulder City class of 1983, has gone from school track and field star to Emmy winner for his work in television.

New CVS to open Sunday morning with ribbon-cutting

The new CVS pharmacy will hold a ribbon-cutting at 7 a.m. Sunday before opening the doors to it newest location on the southeast corner of Buchanan Boulevard and Nevada Way.

Monogamy may sound sweet, but why it evolved isn’t

So it’s not about romance, said researcher Dieter Lukas of the University of Cambridge, lead author of the mammals study. “It’s just really the best he can do.”

Lake visitation up this year, Park Service says

Nearly 3.3 million people have visited the Lake Mead National Recreation Area in the year’s first six months, the National Park Service announced.

Park Service installs life jacket loaner stations

Park rangers from Lake Mead National Recreation Area stressed life jacket safety to a group of children at the Boulder City Library last week as part of a larger outreach to mitigate accidental youth drownings at Lake Mead.

Bighorn sheep killed in vehicle collision

A young male bighorn was killed in a motor-vehicle accident about 7 p.m. July 18 on U.S. Highway 93 near Hemenway Valley.

Community not immune to juvenile misbehavior

Hola, BC! I hope your summer is going well. Our kids are the future. Here at the police department we frequently encounter juveniles during the work day. Kids can be a handful, as parents and grandparents know.

Preparing for emergency helps first responders

EMTs and paramedics for the fire department are trained to respond to medical and traumatic emergencies. Under the supervision of doctors, nurses and other paramedics, we are professionals who have three to four years of medical training to handle and diffuse different situations. We receive two to four years of schooling, plus departmentwide academy training in a number of fire-related emergencies. We are the first line of defense in an emergency. When you call 911 for a medical or fire-related emergency, we are the first people you will see.

Local couple front rising rock band

Members of the local band Same Sex Mary are riding high after releasing their album “Sex Cells” in March.

There’s less to secrets than meets the eye

During the various battles over Wiki Leaks and Edward Snowden, there have been frequent references to a previous dispute involving the Pentagon Papers. Since it has been more than 40 years since those papers were disclosed, I thought it might be useful for those born after 1971 to know what came out of the Pentagon Papers fight.

Racism is alive and well

“… racist thought and action says far more about the person they come from than the person they are directed at.” — Chris Crutcher, family therapist and author of “Whale Talk.”

Nevada Republicans have now come full circle

In 2008 it was the GOP establishment in Nevada that generally treated the Ron Paul people like lepers. But the lepers got organized and fought back, gaining operational control of the party in the 2012 election cycle.

Briefs for July 25

The summer reading program, “Dig Into Reading,” runs through Aug. 8 Call Kimberly Diehm, youth services librarian, at 293-1281 for more information. The Boulder City Library is at 701 Adams Blvd.

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