When it comes to organizations that support veterans, there are many to choose from. Each group has its own qualifications for membership and some are limited to a specific service connection. Examples are the Vietnam Veterans of America and the Korean War Veterans. Some groups are inclusive of all military services but have other requirements for membership, such as the Disabled American Veterans and the Blinded Veterans Association.
Old airport proposals lacked consideration of neighbors
This week marked the passing of two people who played key roles in Boulder City’s history.
A few weeks ago, I went into a bar at 2 o’clock in the afternoon. As I walked in, I was greeted by three Boulder City gentlemen I hadn’t seen in some time. Of course, the first thing they asked was why I was in a bar at two in the afternoon. I explained I was having a meeting, and they hadn’t seen me because I had been really busy with some serious “stuff.”
The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce and the Southern Nevada Railroad Museum co-sponsored a rather unusual community briefing in a facility on Yucca Street on Sept. 12.
Committee will bring needed details about pool, finances
It’s been said that if you slow down they will catch you. I didn’t really know who they were or why that would be a bad thing until last week.
If you did not grow up in an alcoholic, addict-enabling, dysfunctional environment, you are living in one now.
It’s rare to find someone who doesn’t appreciate a great mystery, which is why I am so intrigued by Boulder City’s tie to the documentary-style TV show “Unsolved Mysteries.” One of my readers, Carole Neat, recently emailed me a tip about a shyster businessman who swindled millions of dollars from investors only to be caught at a local hotel.
It seems that campaigns never end anymore either at the local or national level. But elections do occur and the citizens have an opportunity to select the people they believe will best represent their interests. Boulder City held a municipal election in June that brought changes to four of the five positions on the City Council. Some members were chosen by clear majorities and one position came down to a name being selected in a drawing.
As our departure for Texas looms closer, there are a few contacts we have had in Boulder City that I particularly want to mention with my thanks. In many of those cases, we’ll be leaving an empty chair and just perhaps one of you out there would like to look into joining the team.
As you read this, I am standing at my newly cleaned desk. You might wonder why I am sharing such trivial and unimportant information. Well, it turns out it’s not so trivial and not so unimportant.
Boulder City has long led the state in the development and deployment of clean energy. From solar panels parked on our carport roofs to electric vehicle charging stations dotting our highway, Boulder City has always welcomed innovative, affordable clean energy. We serve as a clear example of the benefits Nevada can experience now that we’ve passed a bill doubling down on renewable energy through a renewable portfolio standard of 50 percent by 2030.
And so it begins. On Monday, crews began the first stage for the revamping of Boulder City Parkway.