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Golf results

Boulder City Review

Pahranagat is bird lovers’ paradise

Pahranagat National Wildlife Refuge, located just south of the ranching community of Alamo, encompasses 5,382 acres of lakes, marshes, meadows, riparian areas and open desert. The three largest bodies of water in the refuge are Upper Lake, Middle Pond and Lower Lake fed by thermal springs.

Bowling Results

Tuesday Trios, 9 a.m. Tuesday

Elks honor Soccer Shoot winners

Boulder City Elks Lodge, No. 1682, recently held a Soccer Shoot for children 5-11.

The Latest
Golf Results

Oct. 2, Four-person team, Three Best Balls tournament for Plus 55 Boulder City Men’s/Women’s Golf Association:

Sonoran Desert filled with Southwestern icons

Longtime Southern Nevadans who love the Mojave Desert nevertheless often develop a yen to explore other arid landscapes. Typically they dream of the Sonoran Desert, whose scenery may have inspired them to live in the Southwest.

New youth programs blend fitness, adventure with fun

School is in session, and now when the kids get home they just want to plop on the couch and enjoy video games or social media.

Bowling Results

Here are the scores and standings for the leagues as of the first week of October:

Controversial dam created outdoor paradise

The monsoon season is over, the crowds have gone, and the daytime temperatures are ideal — all perfect conditions for a fall trip to Lake Powell.

Pumpkinman triathlon to return on Oct. 25

The 11th annual Pumpkinman Triathlon will take place Oct. 25 in and around Boulder City. More than 2,000 people from across the United States, Canada, South America and Europe are expected to participate.

Rewards at Canyonlands worth strenuous hike

The Great Gallery in Horseshoe Canyon is one of North America’s most significant rock art sites. It is in a remote area of Canyonlands National Park, Utah. A trip here requires plenty of preparation, plus the equipment and willingness to drive a 30-mile gravel road to the trailhead.

Golf Results

Tournaments for those 55 and older are held every the first Thursday of the month.

Boulder City teen struggles in U.S. Open fishing tourney

At just 17-years-old, Boulder City teenager Gunnar Stanton was the youngest professional to compete in last week’s U.S. Open fishing tournament at Callville Bay.

Southern Utah resplendent in fall

A blessing of living in Southern Nevada is easy access to landscapes of different elevations. That circumstance is especially fortunate in September, when outdoor people start to fancy fall foliage. Because of the great disparity in elevation, fall colors will be at their peak, somewhere within easy driving distance, on any given day for at least six weeks. The annual show will be playing in nearby Southern Utah from now until early November.

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