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When hiring, consider a veteran

Employment numbers make up a large part of the economy. Are there many jobs available? Are there many unemployed individuals seeking work? Are they qualified? Veterans are often at the forefront of those seeking work.

In the motion picture “The Best Years of Our Lives” a World War II veteran combat pilot stops in to the drugstore where he used to be employed to see if there were any opportunities. A new corporation had taken over, and the manager asked the pilot if he had any experience that could be used in the drugstore. When the veteran replied that all he did was drop bombs, the manager noted that there were no openings for that particular skill, and dismissed him.

Today employers should be aware of the Patriot Employer Program (PeP) that is an online training and certification experience designed to encourage employers to hire and retain veterans. Employers who show their commitment to employing veterans can learn the benefits of such actions, and how to locate and recruit qualified veterans. There are also federal and state financial incentives to hiring veterans. Employers, or their human resources department if they are a large corporation, must sign up online at https://nvapps.state.nv.us.

According to the Nevada Department of Veterans Services (NDVS), there are many positive reasons to hire veterans. To begin, such individuals have demonstrated proven abilities to learn new skills and concepts. By entering a workplace, they can often identify and transfer skills that will enhance an organization’s productivity. In addition, the military trains people to lead by example, as well as through “direction, delegation, motivation and inspiration.” Veterans understand the dynamics of leadership, and also the value of teamwork. Military duties involve a blend of individual and team productivity, and illustrate that groups of all sizes can relate to each other while achieving overall objectives.

Today more than ever, diversity regarding race, religion, gender and other categories is extremely important. In addition, things like mental, physical and attitude outlooks come into play in work environments. Having lived in proximity to men and women of all backgrounds, veterans have the sensitivity to cooperate with many different types of individuals.

Working well under pressure is a skill that takes time to develop. In the military, pressure is often a given, and veterans have learned to develop the capacity to stay with a task until it is completed correctly. That can be stated in many ways, but perhaps the old saw “an honest day’s work” best describes that attitude. Veterans have learned the qualities of sincerity and trustworthiness when performing on the job.

Every generation has had to discard old techniques to make way for modern methods. Veterans have the wherewithal to absorb new trends concerning business and industry. Depending on their training in the military, they are often up-to-date with computer and digital technological savvy that enterprises require to succeed.

Finally, health and safety standards are first and foremost in the military. Veterans know that overlooking one piece of spoiled food in a batch can poison an entire battalion. Personal health and fitness, as well as drug-free environments, are in the DNA of veterans. That can translate into protection of employees, property and materials.

Certainly non-veterans with proper training and education can also make for valued employees. But I’m suggesting that local businesses should additionally consider the PeP opportunity and seek to hire veterans whenever possible.


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