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We Empower … We Enrich

Empowering our People, Enriching our City: the theme of the State of the City Address.

Over the past two months as I was preparing, I started thinking about all of the things done to elevate our level of transparency and access over the past few years. City Hall will always be bricks and mortar, but city departments are finding more ways to stay connected to the community, making resources and information available online 24/7.

From being able to register to vote, get or renew a passport, make public records requests, pay bills online, and more. Our Search tool on the main landing page has reduced the number of click-throughs needed to find pertinent information.

Empower. Power. Safe, reliable energy is a necessity. We went from 13 unscheduled power outages in 2023 to just three in 2024. And if your power is out, it’s easier than ever to report it to our Utilities Department. Visit bcnv.org/outage to report an outage or to view a map of where current Boulder City power outages are located. Just click on the Report an Outage box and type in your info on the next screen.

The city is doing much to empower - AND power - our business community. This week, the city will start the process of upgrading power to 12kV in the downtown area to incentivize and attract new businesses. The $1.4 million project will use Redevelopment Agency funds.

Want a proclamation about a special event or person in the community? Learn how at bcnv.org/proclamations. Need an agenda for a public meeting, or information from a past meeting? Visit bcnv.org/agendas.

The city’s Finance Department again won the prestigious Triple Crown Award – for the fourth year in a row! Want to take a look at our books? Visit bcnv.org/openfinance - it’s like an open checkbook for the city’s finances. City budgets are posted in a digital, interactive format online at bcnv.org/budget .

SeeClickFix makes it possible to report various non-emergency issues – city code violations, water waste, street light outages, public works concerns and more - any time, day or night. Since 2022, the program has received nearly 4,000 concerns; about 3,600 were resolved. That’s a 93% success rate! In addition to those, Public Works closed out 2,000 more maintenance requests last year. You can download an app or visit bcnv.org/concerns to make a report.

How are we doing? Are residents getting what they need from City Hall?

The city started a survey to find out how customers – the residents, business owners and visitors of Boulder City – felt about our service. More than 160 surveys have been completed. The results have been outstanding. Three out of four reported we did “extremely well.” When we did not meet the needs of those surveyed, department directors reached out to find out how we could better serve our customers.

We remain fiscally responsible as we enrich our city. Our residents pay the lowest property tax rates in any city in Nevada. Our residents also enjoy one of the lowest utility rates in the entire country. We have diversified our income flow, thanks to the power generated by the solar fields and battery storage in the Eldorado Valley. Renewable energy that benefits the region as well as our residents… now that is something that empowers and enriches our city!!

We are Empowering our People. We are Enriching our City.

Getting locked out of house triggers DIY project

Anyone who’s ever accidentally locked themselves out of their house knows that sinking feeling. But locked out while barefoot and in pajamas? That’s the makings of a funny story, however unfunny it appears in the moment.

A look at growth in Boulder City

Due to the Clark County School District’s Change of School Assignment program (COSA) as well as declining resident enrollment, a large percentage of the school’s enrollment comes from outside of Boulder City. For the high school, out of the 618 students, 29%, or 179 kids, come from elsewhere, mostly from Henderson.

Gimme it down to there

About seven weeks ago, I did something that I would not advise for even a healthy dude or dudette in their 30s, much less for a guy who will qualify for Medicare in about eight weeks. I had two pretty major surgical procedures in the space of three days. I know, not a super bright move.

Mahalo for the memories

I’ve mentioned before that one of my more recent stops on my journalism journey was in Hawaii.

Veterans strike out for housing

Tunnel to Towers Foundation is a longtime organization dedicated to building low-cost housing for needy veterans around the nation.

Resolve to be resolute

January is the traditional time for setting New Year’s resolutions.

Council meetings explained

Boulder City is committed to maintaining openness and transparency. City council meetings are critical to our democracy. The city council is the legislative body that discusses and makes decisions on issues affecting our city. The purpose of a city council meeting is to enact ordinances, appropriate funds, set priorities, and establish policies.

Unclogging a drain can be as simple as boiling water

Seems like every time I visit my brother in California I end up doing a DIY project. This holiday was no different. While I love helping out with projects, especially since they’re great teaching moments for the kids, I didn’t plan on spending hours on the guest bathroom floor unclogging drains.