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Virus was scam to get political control

After three years of historic economic growth, record unemployment and a proliferating middle-class lifestyle, the anti-Trump cadre, without missing a beat, migrated from their failed three-year impeachment circus and transformed a pandemic into a gigantic economic demolition derby.

The emergency shelter-in-place protocol and other measures were initiated to prevent overburdening hospitals and medical professionals. We accomplished that because the majority of Americans love their country and obeyed the medical experts.

However, it seems as though many of these medical experts, and others, want to extend the protocols into next year. How convenient for those folks wanting to steal the 2020 presidential election, having miserably failed several times to overturn the 2016 election.

It has been two months now, and some governors keep moving the goalposts farther away from normalcy. Our own governor stated May 7 that the coronavirus won’t be gone until we have a vaccine. Horse apples!

Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “Common sense is as rare as genius.” It doesn’t take a genius to discern the differences between Democrat and Republican governors. It’s obvious that the red states are opening and the blue states aren’t, regardless of trends, statistics or facts.

We’ve been duped into an instantaneous economic depression based on the now-debunked computer modeling by a few experts. Sure, we “flattened the curve,” but do we now have the same number of infections over a longer period of time?

It’s a virus. In spite of “social distancing,” face masks, hand sanitizers and staying home, everyone who hasn’t had it is going to get it, except for those blessed few who are immune. Most of those infected have had, or will have, mild or no symptoms.

Have you wondered why many published statistics do not include percentages of hospitalizations, recoveries, number of folks tested and those with no symptoms?

If this virus is so horrific, why is there political bickering at all levels and economy-crushing trillion dollar spending bills being passed with budget-busting benefits that have nothing to do with this pandemic?

This current pandemic is serious because worldwide, over 1 million folks have perished including 70,000 Americans.

However, during the Asian flu of 1957-58, over 1.1 million people died, including 116,000 in the United States. The panic crowd might yawn over these statistics, but the global population was 2.9 billion (38 percent of today’s population of 7.7 billion) and the U.S. population was 181 million (55 percent of today’s population of 329 million people). There was no panic. There was no shutdown.

So what has changed so drastically over the years? Could it be the rise of China’s economic footprint and political influence within the Democratic National Committee and national media outlets? During the initial outbreak, several national media sources parroted China’s talking points.

Before my erudite friends in the medical field beat me up online and in person, I understand there are differences between the flu and the coronavirus; mainly, the coronavirus spreads easier and faster than the flu and can be more debilitating by manifesting other illnesses.

We did not destroy our economy during the previous pandemics.

My opinion is that the Democratic governors are using this pandemic to wreak havoc on their states’ economies in order to undo the economic gains of the past three years.

Furthermore, they are courting favor with their DNC masters in their quests for higher political callings.

In addition to raining havoc onto everyone’s livelihood in their quest to defeat Trump, Democrats want to enact voting by mail for November’s election.

Voting by mail, fraught with chicanery, will lead to nationwide ballot harvesting, wherein one person may collect and submit multiple ballots on behalf of others. Ballot harvesting will exacerbate voter fraud and create public doubt.

I do not believe the Chinese Communist Party deliberately released the Wuhan virus, but they are complicit in its spread. Upon detecting this virus, they restricted travel between Wuhan and other parts of China, but did not restrict travel from Wuhan to other parts of the world.

Do not be fooled by those sycophants in the media and elsewhere. The CCP is a brutal regime not content to rule their country, but to rule the world. Their tentacles reach into every continent and into most of the business world. National media and other entities, such as the DNC, appear to have also been contaminated.

We must resist those efforts by the Democrat governors and reopen our economy. We must then insist that our elected leaders hold China accountable and seek recompense for our economic meltdown.

China has been in an economic and political war with us for decades. No one wants war with China or any other country. However, we must maintain and improve our military readiness so our enemies understand that any attack will be met with instantaneous, overwhelming and earth-shattering consequences.

We shouldn’t stop buying made-in-China products immediately because this will punish the American suppliers who already have those items in stock. We should gradually move away from patronizing Chinese government-owned businesses and products.

Furthermore, it is time to recognize Taiwan as an independent country. Taiwan tried to warn the world about the Wuhan virus but nobody listened because they aren’t part of the World Health Organization thanks to China.

Finally, May 25 is Memorial Day. I believe there is no better way to honor our war dead than by seizing control of our country from the petty tyrants at the state and local levels.

Dan Jennings is a retired Army captain and a retired BCPD lieutenant. He can be reached at bcpd267@cox.net.

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