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Unvaccinated does not equal uninformed

Contrary to popular belief, abstaining from the COVID-19 shot is not a result of governmental mistrust or being underinformed. For many, it comes from a lack of the shot’s long-term data, increasing reports of serious side effects and personally deciding the risk of coronavirus is lower than the risk of the shot.

To start, there is roughly a 97-99-plus percent survival rate if you get COVID-19, depending on comorbidities and risk. Currently, the overall case fatality rate is 1.67 (Johns Hopkins), but is likely lower as the number of actual cases is higher as many opt not to test. For many, the risk of catching COVID-19 is an acceptable risk over the risk of the shot.

When it comes to the shot, there are many unanswered questions:

1. If there are 36 million recovered with natural antibodies, why is this not relevant in the data toward herd immunity (since that is the stated goal)?

2. Why is our “state” science not acknowledging antibodies from natural recovery as relevant? But this is valid in other countries; i.e. study of over 200,000 people in Qatar, and study of 777,000 in Israel show natural antibody has better protection than the shot.

3. The vaccinated can still contract and pass the virus to others, at a higher rate and with more serious symptoms than a person with natural antibodies.

4. Why does a vaccinated person need others to be vaccinated in order for their vaccination to be effective?

5. The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System database shows more deaths after the COVID-19 shot in less than a year than all vaccines combined in over 30 years. And tens of thousands of serious side effects reported.

6. Deaths that occur within two weeks of the vaccine are not counted as vaccine-related, according to the Food and Drug Administration/Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But in 2020 “COVID deaths” included any death when there was a positive test — no matter the actual cause of death or comorbidities? Why were hospitals paid additional incentive per “COVID” death?

7. Why are illegals crossing the border and sent across the U.S. not required to be vaccinated, but millions of citizens are mandated?

8. Why have Congress, staffers and United States Postal Service workers been exempted from the federal vaccine mandate?

9. The actual definition of “vaccine” was altered from inoculation to “protection” to fit the dismal results.

10. There are low-cost medications available that have been safely used for decades in humans that have had greater positive response to infection (and prophylactically) than the shot. Meta analysis of 18 randomized trials clearly shows the effectiveness. Why are doctors forbidden from prescribing and their use is disparaged?

11. The actual FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine Comirnaty is not yet available, and was noted in the FDA approval that long-term data was not sufficient especially for “myocarditis and pericarditis” side effects. The shot being given is the experimental version and with no liability for injury.

Given the list above, assuming that the unvaccinated are abstaining due to distrust of government is shortsighted. These unanswered questions regarding these shots, the CDC’s manipulation of data, faulty testing methods (polymerase chain reaction inability to distinguish between flu and COVID, and false positives from overcycling samples), health care industry’s financial incentives for COVID-19 diagnosis and vaccination rates to name a few points (must also be considered).

Medical freedom of choice used to be a given in our country. In a short period of time, we have gone from health freedom to being hit with virtue-signaling guilt campaigns, exclusion from social events, to barred from employment and unable to support our families.

No one should be penalized for exercising medical freedom. While our choice should not have to be justified, I provided some data on which I based my decision and am happy to pass on the links. A vaccine in me does not make another’s effective. It works or it doesn’t, but the choice should be yours.

I pray for our country to be unified, respectful of our God-given freedoms and our constitutional rights. History has shown what happens when freedom is taken. If we let this happen, we will not see it return in our generation.

The opinions expressed above belong solely to the author and do not represent the views of the Boulder City Review. They have been edited solely for grammar, spelling and style, and have not been checked for accuracy of the viewpoints.

Jean Ishihara is a Boulder City resident. She has two graduate degrees, spent a decade in social/health services in a licensed position and 10 years in the construction industry.

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