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Patriots will protect our nation

Dear Antifa members and Black Lives Matter enthusiasts, I would like to take a moment to say we are “sorry” to both of your groups and the many followers who embrace your misguided messages and ideologies. I understand that you may be feeling somewhat frustrated with all of your recent rioting activities that you haven’t really made any consequential and/or significant progress toward changing the society you reside in.

Rather than bring attention to the cause you supposedly represent, a horribleness of a nation that is prolific in racism, you have brought to our attention the socialistic and communistic efforts to overthrow our American way of life. It is vitally important that you understand that this will never happen. You will never alter, erase or cancel our culture. There are more America-loving patriots in our country than you can ever begin to count who will stand firm for the ideals, morals and laws that this great country was founded on.

You can continue to burn down buildings, destroy statues, spray paint filthy words, hurt, maim and even kill people but none of this will succeed. This country and its citizens are much stronger than you ever imagined and there will be a point where we will not allow any more of this to endure. Your method of fighting is not unlike that of a bratty child who doesn’t get their way, breaks things, throws things and has no respect for authority.

Unfortunately, you have been coddled and protected by those who are afraid to hurt your feelings, those who believe they are leaders, when they are the very opposite.

Please don’t construe the word “sorry” for an apology. We don’t apologize for being stronger than you, more resilient in our quest to maintain the beliefs and principles of our United States of America. We certainly don’t apologize for having a more historical understanding of the founding of this relatively young nation and the many past attempts to change our laws and Constitution.

You have shown the lack of respect for God and brotherhood. You have revealed a disdain for freedom and liberty. You have displayed the need for power rather than compassion, control rather than constraint, motion rather than wisdom. For all of these unavoidable flaws in your character, we are deeply sorry for you. You see, we have a much more cohesive resolve to protect this nation than you do to destroy it.

Never underestimate the power of the majority, a majority of citizens that carry with them the angst of the founding fathers who fought long and hard to protect and thus allow this nation to prosper.

As penned in the last verse of our national anthem, “Praise the power that hath made and preserv’d us a nation! Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just, and this be our motto — In God is our trust, and the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave o’er the land of the free and the home of the brave.”

G. Kevin Savord is currently a professional pilot and former small business owner. He can be reached at gksavord@gmail.com.

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