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Nation does not need groups the espouse division

“Black Lives Matter.” The statement itself is true; of course they matter. Brown lives matter. White lives matter. All lives matter. We all matter. It is important to understand that the group that calls itself “Black Lives Matter” has very little to do with black lives. It has virtually nothing to do with a skin color or race.

Just like the Apple Computer Co. has nothing to do with apples, it is just a name. Unlike the Apple company, which never attributes itself to be a fruit or produce business, the BLM group has hijacked this phrase, a phrase that leads many to believe that it is righteous cause, to further its agenda. What agenda is it? Marxism.

What exactly is Marxism? It is the political, economic and social principles advocated by the German philosopher Karl Marx (1818-1883). It is basically the theory and practice of socialism.

These doctrines by Marx were further developed into a form of communism by Vladimir Lenin (1870-1924), the former premier of the Soviet Union. “We are trained Marxists,” Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors said in a recent interview.

Not only has this political movement hijacked the BLM phrase but it also hijacked the Democratic Party, a party rich in our history and made up of many wonderful, well-intentioned people. While they espouse to helping the black and brown men and women of our society because they are supposedly systematically targeted for demise, the actual facts do not support this notion. The BLM insurgency is strictly to destabilize our current form of government. Their goal is to eliminate the American way of life, family, religion, education, freedom and independence.

The reality is more unarmed white individuals were killed by police than black people. Police killings of blacks are down 70 percent in the past 50 years. Isn’t it interesting that you never see these statistics on the nightly news?

Systemic racism; we hear it over and over again to a point where many believe it. Have you ever looked up the meaning of systemic? In medical terms, systemic means affecting the whole body, or at least multiple organ systems. It is in contrast with topical or local. Does anyone really believe that the entire body of America is racist? I certainly don’t think so.

Unfortunately, many Americans are being duped and it is working. Scare people into believing there is a crisis, a catastrophe right around the corner, and control of them is thus gained. The Democratic Party, the corporate world and even a few members of the Republican Party are so frightened by these bigoted tactics that they are beginning to bow to them and even support them.

We all need to stand up against racism and bigotry, especially stand up against groups and organizations that promote division. We have absolutely no place in our society for white supremacist groups, black only organizations or any race-baiting faction and, we certainly do not have room for a Marxist organization called Black Lives Matter.

G. Kevin Savord is currently a professional pilot and former small business owner. He can be reached at gksavord@gmail.com.

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