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Last night I caught a few minutes of “Wheel of Fortune” and whenever I do, I can’t help but think back to my time in Hawaii when the show came over to film a few weeks’ worth of episodes at the Hilton Waikoloa Village about 15 years ago.

As editor of a newspaper whose coverage area included that resort, I was asked by producers if I’d like to come out for the day and do kind of a behind-the-scenes look at the show. Of course, I said yes.

But before I get to that, I need to back up. Once word got out that the show was coming to the island, they offered open auditions, since they often like to have locals whenever they film shows on location. I went down to this large ballroom at the Hilton to try my luck.

They had a virtual wheel on this big screen and they would randomly call on those of us who had signed up. They said to be very enthusiastic if called upon. As luck may have it, out of the hundreds there, they called my name and being the “Wheel” whiz I am, I solved the puzzle. This not only got me a bag of swag like a T-shirt, cap and pencils but it also advanced me to a list of potential contestants.

That was the good news.

The bad news came about a week or two later when I got a call from one of the producers, asking if I was the same Ron Eland who was scheduled to spend the day with Pat, Vanna and the crew. I said I was and he said to avoid any kind of conflict of interest, my name had to be withdrawn. There went my dreams of a big pay day and maybe winning a trip to parad…wait, never mind. I understood but was still bummed.

Back to the day the show starting filming. First off, I went around along with my photographer, as Pat and Vanna did what’s called bumpers. They’re those quick spots from around the resort to encourage people to come back after commercial. It was obvious they had done these a time or two because I don’t recall them ever needing a second take.

We did this for a couple hours and then I got to go to the sound stage, where they would be filming the show. One of the producers asked if I’d like to spin the wheel. Turns out, it was not nearly as easy as it looks. I had to put some elbow grease behind my spin. Even though I was rejected being a contestant, at least I got my chance to spin.

As part of my day, producers set up an interview for me with the hosts in a hotel room. Vanna came by first. Most guys my age at one time or another had a little crush on her. She did not disappoint. Aside from her exterior beauty, she could not have been nicer. We talked for about 30 minutes about the show, her hobby of knitting and the time singer Nelly included her in one of his songs. She said her boys, who were fairly young at the time, never saw their mom as a celebrity but that quickly changed when they heard the lyric, “Paying cash, first class, sitting next to Vanna White, c’mon.”

I was told Pat was running late. I went into the bathroom in the room and just as I was about to walk out, I heard him and others come in the room. I thought, “Do I make sure he sees me come out and wash my hands or do I do it discreetly and hope my hands are completely dry when shaking his hand?” I was able to wash and maneuver out to where it appeared as though I walked in the room.

Pat was a lot of fun as well. Very nice and had some great stories to tell.

My day with them was complete. All that was left was watching the filming of the show. My then-wife and stepkids and myself joined the hundreds of others in the audience to watch the taping, when was done outside but covered. It was amazing how well-oiled of a machine the show was.

What you see on TV is what we saw in the audience. No second takes, flubs or delays. That’s why they are able to crank out a week’s worth in a day or so. In all, I think they taped three weeks’ worth of shows while there.

Aside from my article I was writing about my day on the set, a second article was to be about those from the island who were winning contestants. I was sworn to secrecy when given the names, and all that they asked of me was to wait until after the shows aired a month later to run my story.

I think there were three who I interviewed but my favorite was with a pair of preschool teachers who competed on Best Friends Week. Not only did they earn the most during the regular rounds but they advanced to the Bonus Round. They solved it and won another $100,000 for a day’s total of around $130,000. As low-paid preschool teachers I remember one saying, “This definitely puts me in a different tax bracket this year.”

It was a nice way to finish out my coverage of the show. And while I may not have been a contestant, the memories of a day with Pat and Vanna are ones I will cherish forever.

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