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Letters to the Editor, Nov. 21

Thanks to Scouts, residents for food donations

A big thank you to Cub Scout Pack 30 and Boy Scout Troop 7 for all their hard work during the Scouting for Food event this year.

On Nov. 16, they gathered over 2,300 pounds of food to put on the shelves at Emergency Aid (of Boulder City) for those in need. The leaders did a phenomenal job organizing this event and teaching the youngsters how to give back during the holidays.

A big thank you to all of the Boulder City residents who put bags of food out for the Scouts to pick up this year. God bless you all.

Terri Beaver

Dog park expansion will increase operational costs

News flash. The recent article “Plan proposes to expand dog park” in the Boulder City Review on Nov. 7 caused quite a stir among dog park patrons and complete shock for board members of See Spot Run.

Prior to reading the article, no one associated with the organization was made aware of this proposed project. Board members attended the City Council meeting on Nov. 12 and made this known to the mayor, council members and city employees. It was discussed as an agenda item, and the proposal is part of the tentative capital improvement plan for 2020-2021.

The mayor did extend an apology for the lack of communication. There is a meeting scheduled to discuss and explain proposed improvements to the dog park with city funds.

For all of you very excited dog owners, keep in mind that there are additional concerns that need to be addressed. See Spot Run dog park is a nonprofit with a very small number of wonderful volunteers who run and maintain the facility and do endless fundraising.

Monthly costs currently average $1,200 and include water, garbage removal, insurance, supplies, etc. (A list of expenses can be obtained by contacting the organization.) Adding grass to the “event area” will certainly increase those expenses.

We appreciate and welcome any help the city of Boulder City would be willing to provide with improvements; however, the small group of volunteers needs to be able to pay the bills.

We know everyone is excited about the potential for grass, but please be patient and understand this process will take approval of the budget item and may not come to fruition.

Keep the faith, as this group will continue our fundraising efforts and endeavor to provide the very best dog park that we can afford.

Members of See Spot Run

Mail delivery should be consistent

What in the world has happened to delivery service of our U.S. post office? Sometimes the mail arrives between 10 and 11 in the morning, and the next day it doesn’t get delivered till almost 6 p.m. Other times it’s in the middle of the afternoon. A few times our outgoing mail is not even picked up.

This happens in our area, but friends and relatives around town say it is that way in their neighborhood also. In fact, we don’t even know who our mail carrier is anymore. Is there a new schedule? New mail carriers? New administration? Whatever it is, it should be a priority of the post office to make sure neighborhoods have a schedule that is relatively constant.

Theresa Krause

Communication needed for better understanding

America is struggling with its understanding of government. The forms of government created in America have been some of the greatest in the history of the world. No one in particular is to blame for the alternatives being created by the consciousness that is humanity. An understanding of human consciousness is lacking.

Human consciousness can be understood in order to continue to be reflected in our complex forms of government. Our entire bodies communicate, don’t they? Words are only a minor component of communication. That said, America is no longer benefiting from the wisdom of communication with presence.

Since humanity is consciousness, more complex forms of government do require time and caring as well as communication with presence. Without that caring presence shared in interpersonal communication, we will continue to generate largely singular points of view, lacking a plurality while carrying a bell-shaped curve of opinion. Remote communication will continue to create a world of singular opinion as we become more agitated and triggered.

Without understanding consciousness, America will foster autocracy as its de facto form of government. Only communication with caring presence and all relevant points of view can promote governance with a plurality of humanity opinion. Democracy is the end result of that understanding.

Eric L. Lundgaard

Unclogging a drain can be as simple as boiling water

Seems like every time I visit my brother in California I end up doing a DIY project. This holiday was no different. While I love helping out with projects, especially since they’re great teaching moments for the kids, I didn’t plan on spending hours on the guest bathroom floor unclogging drains.

A personal milestone 40 years in the making

First off, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas yesterday and have a very happy, healthy and safe New Year ahead.

The gift that keeps on giving

Isn’t this the time of year we want to show love to our fellow human beings?

Veteran caregivers hope for financial boost

Much has been spoken and written about in recent months about military and veteran caregivers, and the responsibilities they are charged with.

City’s enduring dedication to historic preservation

The true spirit of Christmas has always been more about giving than getting. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son … .” (John 3:16). Yet too many of us increasingly focus on the receiving side of that equation.

City’s enduring dedication to historic preservation

The Boulder City Historic District embodies the unique historic, architectural, and cultural heritage that defines our community. The area was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is comprised of more than 500 residential and commercial buildings from the city’s formative years (1931–1945), reflecting its construction and early operational phase of Hoover Dam. Recognizing the district as a valuable community asset, the city later created the Historic District, regulations and various resources to ensure the preservation and improvement of its historic buildings.

New St. Jude’s Ranch facility provides healing, hope

We all love Boulder City. It’s quaint, quiet, and we have the lowest crime rates in the state. Sex trafficking may feel like a “big city problem” to many residents in our community. But we are just 30 minutes from a city where thousands of people are victimized every year. According to Awaken Justice Nevada:

Destressing the holidays can start in your bathroom

“Tis the season to be jolly!” Indeed, but with elevated stress levels during the holidays, I sooner find myself saying “Calgon, take me away!” For those of you unfamiliar with this phrase, it’s from a 70s TV ad where a stressed-out woman is unraveling over “the traffic, the boss, the baby, the dog!” She rescues herself by losing her cares in the luxury of a Calgon bath. I mistakenly thought Calgon was a bubble bath, but it’s actually the trade name for complex salt, Sodium hexametaphosphate (NaPO3)6. Simply put, it’s a water softener.

It’s the greatest most amazing thing ever

“Don’t forget you are up for a column this week,” read the text on my phone Monday morning. It was a message from Review Editor Ron Eland and, oops, I had forgotten.