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Letters to the Editor, Nov. 14

Local organizations grateful for volunteers

Volunteerism: The willingness of people to work on behalf of others without the expectation of compensation or other personal gain.

There are wonderful, compassionate people in our community who give selflessly of their time and talents. I work for an organization that is eternally grateful for these people and the time they give us. We would not be able to accomplish our work without our volunteers and are always in need of them.

Then there are people out there that want to volunteer with ulterior motives. When those motives are not realized, they become frustrated and lash out.

Last week’s letter titled, “Need for volunteers missing” was one such case. The statements made were false and hurtful to agencies that appreciate and need volunteers. The writer contacted my agency on three occasions by email. He was contacted back within an hour each time. Unfortunately, he was not actually interested in volunteering. He would not give us his availability, nor did he ask us what areas we needed help in or what does the process consist of. What he did give us was a link to his webpage and an positive overview of his career.

My point? If you are interested in volunteering, any number of organizations will be more than grateful for your help. Please do not let the ego and falsehoods of one individual ruin the experience for you. Go speak to one of the agencies; we would all be happy to see you and welcome your time and talents.

Victoria Mason


Criminals must really serve their time

Good news that the Boulder City Police helped in ridding our town of three drug traffickers. The article stated that drugs and guns were taken off the street and the offenders were put in prison.

Back in the day, when criminals were treated like criminals, this would be a reason to rejoice. Today, however, they received a four-to-10-year sentence. We all know that what they will actually serve is toward the lower end, what with good behavior, overcrowding, etc.

The added on gun charges were worth 2⅓ to six years. Since the gun charges are to run concurrently with the drug charges, there will be no extra time served.

Until criminals are made to actually pay for their crimes, don’t look for much to change. Just sayin’.

Jerry Berg

A look at growth in Boulder City

Due to the Clark County School District’s Change of School Assignment program (COSA) as well as declining resident enrollment, a large percentage of the school’s enrollment comes from outside of Boulder City. For the high school, out of the 618 students, 29%, or 179 kids, come from elsewhere, mostly from Henderson.

Gimme it down to there

About seven weeks ago, I did something that I would not advise for even a healthy dude or dudette in their 30s, much less for a guy who will qualify for Medicare in about eight weeks. I had two pretty major surgical procedures in the space of three days. I know, not a super bright move.

Mahalo for the memories

I’ve mentioned before that one of my more recent stops on my journalism journey was in Hawaii.

Veterans strike out for housing

Tunnel to Towers Foundation is a longtime organization dedicated to building low-cost housing for needy veterans around the nation.

Resolve to be resolute

January is the traditional time for setting New Year’s resolutions.

Council meetings explained

Boulder City is committed to maintaining openness and transparency. City council meetings are critical to our democracy. The city council is the legislative body that discusses and makes decisions on issues affecting our city. The purpose of a city council meeting is to enact ordinances, appropriate funds, set priorities, and establish policies.

Unclogging a drain can be as simple as boiling water

Seems like every time I visit my brother in California I end up doing a DIY project. This holiday was no different. While I love helping out with projects, especially since they’re great teaching moments for the kids, I didn’t plan on spending hours on the guest bathroom floor unclogging drains.

A personal milestone 40 years in the making

First off, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas yesterday and have a very happy, healthy and safe New Year ahead.