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Letters to the Editor

Remembering those MIAs

Veteran’s Day is a good time to remember missing in action soldiers (MIAs). My uncle LaGrant Wadman (Grant) is among these, a newly married young man in his 20’s who went MIA in October 1952 during the Korean War. He was a member of the 7th Infantry Division, which suffered 430 casualties during the first days of the Battle of Triangle Hill, one of the bloodiest battles of this war. A war long ago, a battle hardly known.

I often wonder for what reason. With a military budget approaching $1 trillion, nearly 800 bases worldwide, it is not surprising that we are involved in endless wars, namely Vietnam, Libya, Serbia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine, Gaza, etc. which are presented as contests between Good (us) vs. Evil (them). It’s only much later that the actual causes of the lead-up to these conflicts come out showing that there are a number of explanations to why the conflict happened, making it difficult to determine who was at fault. One thing is certain, there will be more MIAs.

Dan Jensen

Boulder City

Questions consent agenda item

On April 25, 2023 our City Council voted to settle with our former city manager and city attorney over employment litigation that would likely cost taxpayers over $2 million, even though a decision on the matter was due to come down from the State Supreme Court in a matter of days - a decision that most observers felt that they were bound to lose.

Poor judgment? Probably. Failure to protect city assets and constituents’ tax dollars? In my humble opinion, definitely. But in my mind, the most jarring aspect of this is how it was done. It was placed on the consent agenda, wherein agenda items are voted on as a group without discussion before the public nor with the public.

Here is what Roberts Rules of Order has to say about consent agendas:

“For greatest efficiency, include the following types of items in the consent portion of your meeting agendas:

■ Topics of a routine/recurring nature

■ Procedural decisions

■ Non-controversial issues that do not require debate or deliberation

■ Items previously discussed for which the team has come to a consensus, but that still need an official vote.”

In my opinion, that legal settlement was anything but “non-controversial.” It was not of a “routine or recurring nature” nor was it “previously discussed for which the team has come to a consensus.” If they had done so outside public view, they would be in clear violation of the Open Meeting Law.

Fast-forward to our last City Council meeting, where the council voted to renew 30-year-old airport hangar leases with no increase in rent for 10 years with a possible 10-year extension after all of them, except Matt Fox received thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from a PAC of wealthy aircraft owners and pilots. Kudos to Councilman Fox.

Who is this City Council representing? Certainly not the average working-class taxpayers of Boulder City. It appears that they believe that their job is to reward their cronies and the wealthy class exclusively at the expense of the rest of us.

Matt Di Teresa

Boulder City

A personal milestone 40 years in the making

First off, I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas yesterday and have a very happy, healthy and safe New Year ahead.

The gift that keeps on giving

Isn’t this the time of year we want to show love to our fellow human beings?

Veteran caregivers hope for financial boost

Much has been spoken and written about in recent months about military and veteran caregivers, and the responsibilities they are charged with.

City’s enduring dedication to historic preservation

The true spirit of Christmas has always been more about giving than getting. “For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son … .” (John 3:16). Yet too many of us increasingly focus on the receiving side of that equation.

City’s enduring dedication to historic preservation

The Boulder City Historic District embodies the unique historic, architectural, and cultural heritage that defines our community. The area was listed on the National Register of Historic Places and is comprised of more than 500 residential and commercial buildings from the city’s formative years (1931–1945), reflecting its construction and early operational phase of Hoover Dam. Recognizing the district as a valuable community asset, the city later created the Historic District, regulations and various resources to ensure the preservation and improvement of its historic buildings.

New St. Jude’s Ranch facility provides healing, hope

We all love Boulder City. It’s quaint, quiet, and we have the lowest crime rates in the state. Sex trafficking may feel like a “big city problem” to many residents in our community. But we are just 30 minutes from a city where thousands of people are victimized every year. According to Awaken Justice Nevada:

Destressing the holidays can start in your bathroom

“Tis the season to be jolly!” Indeed, but with elevated stress levels during the holidays, I sooner find myself saying “Calgon, take me away!” For those of you unfamiliar with this phrase, it’s from a 70s TV ad where a stressed-out woman is unraveling over “the traffic, the boss, the baby, the dog!” She rescues herself by losing her cares in the luxury of a Calgon bath. I mistakenly thought Calgon was a bubble bath, but it’s actually the trade name for complex salt, Sodium hexametaphosphate (NaPO3)6. Simply put, it’s a water softener.

It’s the greatest most amazing thing ever

“Don’t forget you are up for a column this week,” read the text on my phone Monday morning. It was a message from Review Editor Ron Eland and, oops, I had forgotten.


Thank you, BCR