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Letter to the Editor

City needs to step up

In the current discussion by the city council, as well as articles on this subject in this publication, the primary obstacle to the employment of a well-qualified city manager is the city’s stated inability to pay a competitive salary.

Councilman Walton has suggested opening the position of city manager to qualified applicants who are retired from other Nevada entities. This would require declaration of a state of “Critical Labor Shortage” by the city council.

There is nothing objectionable to hiring someone on a previous pension for any position so long as all qualifications for that position are met by the applicant.

The question that arises is whether or not the city of Boulder City should adopt a policy which formally approves the partial subsidization of the city manager’s salary by another entity.

Asking a potential candidate for city manager to work for a lower-than-standard salary because he or she has an already earned pension appears patently unfair. The city of Boulder City has a substantial budget and the appropriate remedy to this issue is to establish a competitive salary structure.

Fred Guenther

Boulder City

The ins and outs of hiring a city manager

It’s been four months since former City Manager Taylour Tedder left Boulder City to take a job in Delaware. Since his departure, I’ve been serving as acting city manager.

The Least of These

A good friend of mine recently told me about a sorry situation that he felt should never happen in Boulder City. An elderly man was discovered dead in his home. Authorities concluded he had passed away months before he was ever discovered. “How could that happen right under our noses?!” he exclaimed. “Not here. Not in Boulder City.”

Don’t mess with our pets

Last month, Boulder City Animal Control responded to a local resident who found an abandoned, critically injured 10-week-old puppy in an alleyway. The rottweiler-mix was immediately transported to the Boulder City Animal Hospital and treated for a dislocated jaw, eye and facial damage, and missing teeth. The puppy has undergone several surgical procedures, and one of his eyes had to be removed.

Dirty grills may make you sick

By this time of year your BBQ and/or smoker have probably seen a lot of action. No matter if they’re steel, porcelain coated, or cast-iron grates — stick happens. Sure, some grates are more prone to buildup, especially cast-iron ones that aren’t properly maintained with regular oiling (seasoning), but even the easier to clean porcelain-coated grates accumulate stuck-on food.

Oh, yeah. You betcha

This past weekend I went to visit a dear friend of mine, Jacqueline, who I met a couple of years ago while we both lived in Arizona. Ironically, around the same time I was offered to come back to Nevada to work, she returned to do the same thing in her home state of Minnesota.

Whatever you do, do it with love

Many people have fallen in love with Boulder City. While in a coffee shop recently I spoke with a couple of ladies. One of them was from Minnesota. Interesting coincidence isn’t it? Her daughter was from Henderson. I had to ask what brought them to Boulder City. Like so many other people they were enjoying the ambience of a small community.

When even your teeth sweat

Last Thursday one of my supervisors from the Review-Journal and I had our quarterly breakfast/lunch to discuss how the job and newspaper are going.