Be safe on the roads this Halloween
October 31, 2013 - 4:02 am
Quick reminder: Halloween safety!
Tonight is the 31st of October, and with that the celebration of Halloween. Remembering back to my days as a kid, I couldn’t wait for Halloween.
One night a year I could dress up as scary as I wanted and people gave me free candy! Up and down the streets I would run until I had a pillow case full of candies. The night was mine, and I can only imagine the kids out in full force this year, and we should take extra caution to provide added safety for the evening.
Parents, it is advised that you always supervise your children while they are trick-or-treating. Be mindful of their locations at all times while they run from house to house. You should carry a flashlight, and stay on well-lit sidewalks and crosswalks.
If you are out driving tonight, take extra caution while driving through residential areas. Slow down, and be mindful of pedestrians.
If you are bringing a dog with you, please be sure they get along with other people and pets. Make sure that all dogs are wearing a collar and a leash. When eating the candy, remember it is safest to avoid eating any unwrapped or hand-touched candy. A rule of thumb, if its questionable don’t eat it.
We here at the fire station would like to wish every one a happy and safe Halloween, and a happy 75th Nevada’s Day!
Brian Shea is a Boulder City paramedic/firefighter.