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Volunteers keep events, organizations running

Organizations are looking for volunteers as fall arrives and citywide events like Art in the Park move closer.

Boulder City Hospital, which presents Art in the Park, needs help for one of the city’s biggest events. It typically attracts around 100,000 people during the two-day juried festival.

The hospital seeks people willing work in its soda and water booths as well as the merchandise booth. It is also looking for people willing to take leadership roles organizing the booths. Anyone who would like to donate their time at Art in the Park on Oct. 1 and Oct. 2 can call 702-293-0214.

You can’t have a big event without setting it up first and Boulder City Chamber of Commerce needs volunteers to help with setup and cleanup of the event.

“We are always in need of volunteers,” Chamber of Commerce Chief Executive Officer Jill Rowland-Lagan said.

There are also plenty of opportunities for altruistic citizens to give back at non Art in the Park functions.

Lend A Hand of Boulder City is searching for people with a drivers license willing to drive senior citizens and the disabled, including veterans and homebound residents, to and from doctors appointments. Those willing to participate in the program should call the organization’s office at 702-294-2363.

Prospective volunteers will have to commit to an eight-hour training program at 9 a.m. Oct. 19, but Lend A Hand will accommodate schedules as people are available. Volunteers will receive a gas stipend.

“We are always in need of people willing to drive residents to appointments,” Director of Lend A Hand Christina Lodge said. “We are willing to work with anyone willing to volunteer their time for an important need in our community.”

Lodge said Lend a Hand drives those who need it to hospital appointments on weekdays, a task only possible because of a generous community.

“We are able to drive sick people to the doctor practically every day because of our volunteers,” Lodge said. “Without our volunteers some people like our veterans would not be able to get to the VA (Veterans Affairs facilities).”

St. Jude’s Ranch for Children needs people to work in the mailroom, gift shop, facility maintenance and manage donation pick ups. Those interested in volunteering at the ranch can check out the organization’s website at https://www.stjudesranch.org/get-involved/volunteer-opportunities.

Those who think civil service is the route to go can help city officials by applying for future committee positions as well as serving as a backup for current committee members.

“We need people willing to help run these committees,” City Clerk Lorene Krumm said. “Things are always coming up and the more the community is involved the quicker it is to fill these positions.”

The city is not looking for anyone to fill a particular committee at the moment, but those interested should still apply as a volunteer in order to speed up the selection process. You must be a resident of Boulder City to volunteer.

“Some of these positions are incredibly hard to fill and require a big commitment, but we need people willing to step up and help the community,” Krumm said.

Those interested in future committee positions can go to the city website’s volunteer page at http://bcnv.org/185/Volunteer or email Krumm at LKrumm@bcnv.org.

Contact reporter Max Lancaster at mlancaster @bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9401. Follow him on Twitter @MLancasterBCR.

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