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Virus inspires kind acts

Being kind has always been a hallmark of Boulder City residents. As the nation and world deals with the COVID-19 pandemic, residents are once again showing their caring nature and compassion for others.

Here are a few acts of kindness.

Birthdays made special

Recently, numerous residents stepped up and helped several children celebrate their birthdays with drive-by car parades.

One of those children is 8-year-old Rosie Shafer. She said she loves classic cars and her mom, Allison Shafer, came up with the idea with some family members for a drive-by parade.

“The kids don’t understand why they can’t hug these people who are like family. … Keeping them in the car was the best way to keep them from hugging them,” she said.

Allison Shafer asked around and put her request on social media.

“I was hoping for a couple of cars,” she said. “Before I knew it, we had 25 cars committed to coming. I was floored.”

“It was amazing,” said Rosie Shafer.

She said her favorite part was when her teacher stopped by and her favorite classic car from the day was a blue Ford Mustang convertible.

“I don’t think they realize how important this was to us and how much it meant. … It was everyone saying they could provide light to everyone else and then watching them show up,” Allison Shafer said.

Fellow resident Tabitha Dunmire saw the posts about Rosie Shafer’s birthday parade and decided to plan something for her two sons, who both had birthdays in April.

Her son, Ezekiel, turned 15 on April 20, and her son, Wyatt, turned 9 on April 25.

She said for Ezekiel’s birthday she put up signs at her house, asking people to honk as they drove by. Some cars also formed a parade and her neighbors decorated the yard and gave her son a cake.

For Wyatt’s birthday, she planned the same type of event but someone with the police department found out and had several police cars join the parade. A mail carrier also joined in.

“We all had tears,” she said. “Everybody came through. … It helped him not feel alone and left out.”

Chocolates thank workers, support scholarships

The Distinguished Young Women scholarship program for Nevada recently provided sweet treats for the area’s health care workers and first responders.

Emma Phillips, the state’s Distinguished Young Woman for 2020, presented chocolate bars to the residents and staff of the Southern Nevada State Veterans Home in Boulder City.

Each of the cases was purchased and sponsored by people from Boulder City, Henderson, Las Vegas and Arizona, said Cindy Blatchford, state director of the program.

Sale of the candy bars helps raise scholarship funds for Nevada high school senior girls who will graduate in 2021.

Those who would like to sponsor a case of chocolates or know of a Nevada girl who is looking for college scholarships, can email Nevada@DistinguishedYW.org.

If you or someone you know is doing something to help out during the crisis, please let us know. Send your name, a telephone number or email address and a few details about what is being done to news@bouldercityreview.com.

Eight inducted into Hall of Fame

Boulder City High School has had a long history of success when it comes to its sports programs and athletes, as evident by the somewhat-new Eagle sign entering town, which touts the school’s 134 team state championships.

King’s enrollment lower than expected this year

Each year, the Clark County School District’s Department of Demographics and Zoning creates an enrollment projection for each school. The money that schools use to hire new teachers and purchase supplies over the summer is based on that student enrollment projection.

Health registries available at VA

Most Americans (the adults, anyway) are aware that in the 1960s and early 70s the U.S. military doused service people in Vietnam and environs with poison chemicals that caused many illnesses and death.

Best BMX in the Silver State

Photos courtesy Anabel Smith

Garrett offers exciting new programs, opportunities

Garrett Junior High School is off to an incredible start this year, with exciting new programs, expanded opportunities for learning, and a dedicated team ready to support our students.

Soaring like an Eagle

By Abby Francis

Mind over matter

“You have the power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius

Cool down your home with hot-weather tips

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A popular Eagle tradition

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May the Fourth Be With You (a day early)

LEFT: Sophomore Delaney Loeslein gets some assistance during the class challenge of Hungry, Hungry Hippo at Friday’s BCHS year-end assembly.