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Senior Center volunteers honored

Without its volunteers, the Senior Center of Boulder City wouldn’t function, said Executive Director Victoria Mason as she expressed her gratitude for their service during a luncheon in their honor Saturday, April 21.

“We appreciate every minute that you give to us and to the community,” she said.

Sacha Husentruyt, volunteer coordinator for the center, recognized each of its volunteers of the month and then singled out three ladies for their extraordinary service.

Nadean Fichter was named volunteer of the year for her ever-present smile and positive attitude.

“It’s fun to volunteer here. It’s a lovely place,” she said.

Kay Benge, who delivers meals to homebound seniors through the center’s Meals on Wheels program, was presented with a Governor’s Volunteer Recognition certificate for her efforts.

To receive the certificate, the nominee must have performed more than 200 hours of service in a calendar year, representing exceptional service that surpassed expectations.

Husentruyt said Benge truly cares about the clients she sees and makes an effort to provide them with social contact and not just dropping off a meal when she visits.

“I get more from my people than they get from me,” Benge said.

Micaela Madrigal was presented with a lifetime volunteer award. The soft-spoken woman was humbled by the honor.

The Oscar-themed event featured an Italian lunch and a trophy and star-studded gift bag presentation to each volunteer.

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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