When you consider that Halloween usually consists of people wandering about outdoors wearing masks, this year might be less different than we anticipate. However, since conventional trick or treating isn’t on the agenda, here are some ideas to make the most of the “quarantine-o-ween.”
The Angel Tree committee of Emergency Aid of Boulder City is preparing for the possibility of unprecedented needs during the coming holiday season.
Edna Komada and George Hammer received a message by special delivery earlier this month.
The 2020 Trunk of Treat event will be a drive-thru affair in Veterans’ Memorial Park with children and their parents staying in their vehicles.
Even though many things have been canceled due to COVID-19, the Halloween holiday is not one of them. Several familiar events will take on an unfamiliar feel this year.
Oh, the crisp night air, the warm apple cider, the pumpkins. Don’t you just love this time of year? For most families Halloween means the first big festivity of the holiday season. While all the kiddies love the creepy, spooky side of this holiday, I’m all about the food. You, too?
When it comes to doing good deeds, the Boy Scouts of America have been helping individuals and organizations for many years. The assistance they provide often deals with military and veterans’ issues. A good example of that can be found here in Boulder City.
Fall has started in Boulder City and even though temperatures are higher than normal and the pandemic is still around, the time is right to try something new. Like gardening.
Murals depicting hope, resiliency and healing offered at St. Jude’s Ranch for Children were unveiled Oct. 8. They were created during the summer by foster children staying at the Boulder City campus.
This time of year, I can’t go grocery shopping without coming home with at least one squash. This week I bought acorn squash and I’m in autumn comfort food heaven. Squash are in season, delicious, versatile, frugal and fabulous.
We call Oct. 31 Nevada Day even though it might not be celebrated on that exact day. But it was on that day in 1864 that Nevada became a state.
Fluttering in the breeze at Veterans’ Memorial Park are poignant tributes to the 60 victims of the nation’s worst mass shooting.
Boulder City Sunrise Rotary Club is holding a weeklong online auction for this year’s Würst Festival instead of its usual weekend event.
Protecting natural surfaces such as wood, stone, terra cotta, etc. will enhance their inherent beauty as well as extend their lifespan. Especially in this region, the intensity of desert sun and very hard water wreaks havoc on pavers, planters, decks and fences. Natural materials are porous, which make them vulnerable to water absorption/swelling, staining, and for wood, susceptible to rot, algae and insect infestation. Additionally, photo-degradation, the deterioration of surfaces due to ultraviolet radiation exposure, is a real issue here.
Is it time for all the pumpkin things? I hope you said yes because I have a scrumptious pumpkin recipe. Let’s make pumpkin ravioli. But let’s make it easy. Rather than make fresh pasta, let’s use wonton wrappers, and we’ll use canned pumpkin and a two-ingredient sauce.