Good Day for St. Jude’s

Findlay Toyota in Henderson presented a 2014 Toyota Sienna to St. Jude’s Ranch for Children as part of the Toyota 2013 100 Cars for Good program. Cars were given to 100 nonprofit groups over the course of 50 days. Winners were selected daily through public voting on Facebook. On hand for the St. Jude’s presentation Feb. 14 were, from left, Robert Weitekamp, Toyota Motor district manager of the Denver region; St Jude’s Ranch for Children CEO Christine Spadafor; Ronique, 10; Tatum, 3; Zoey, 3; Rich Abajian, Findlay Toyota general manager; Stephanie Bernas, Findlay Toyota marketing director; and Geoff Schick, Toyota Motor vehicle sales manager of the Denver region.

Courtesy photo


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