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Community Briefs, May 24

Library to kick off summer reading program with animals

Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd., has several activities planned for the coming week. These include:

■ Mystery book club, 9 a.m. today, May 24, in the community room. For those age 18 and older.

■ Snack and chat, 7 p.m. today, May 24, in the community room. Come in for snacks and chat with a staff member.

■ Summer reading program kickoff, 10 and 11:15 a.m. Tuesday, May 29, in the community room. Southern Nevada Water Authority will be on hand with an assortment of live Southern Nevada native animals.

■ Crochet for a cause, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 29, in the community room. Learn how to crochet a sleeping mat for the homeless out of plastic bags. For those age 12 and older.

■ Positive Action, 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 30, in the board room. For those ages 12-18.

■ Family boogie night, 6 p.m. Wednesday, May 30, in the community room.

Note: The library will be closed Sunday and Monday.

Call 702-293-1281 for details, reservations or more information.

Life in Mojave Desert topic for Lake Mead rangers at chat

Lake Mead National Recreation Area has a variety of special events happening in the coming week. These include:

■ Ranger chat, “The Mojave Desert: A Magical Land,” 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Saturday, May 26, at Alan Bible Visitor Center, 10 Lakeshore Road. Learn about the animals and plants that live in the desert.

For additional information, call 702-293-8990.

Golf tourney to benefit firefighters

Boulder City Professional Firefighters Association will present its second annual Glow on the Green Golf Open on Saturday, June 9, at Boulder City Golf Course, 1 Clubhouse Drive.

The event will be a nine-hole shotgun start. Festivities will begin at 7 p.m. with dinner, followed by an 8 p.m. tee-off.

Each entry includes two LED night golf balls, dinner catered by Chilly Jilly’z and two raffle tickets. Additional raffle tickets, LED golf balls and mulligans are available.

Prizes will be awarded to the winners of best score, closest to the pin and longest drive competitions.

Entry fee is $75 per person online or $85 the day of the event.

Play is limited to 72 golfers.

Reservations are requested by June 2 and can be made by emailing nwalton@iafflocal5073.org.

Additionally, a variety of sponsorships are available.

Bethany Baptist schedules vacation Bible school

Bethany Baptist Church is offering a vacation Bible school June 11-15. “Shipwrecked” is the theme of the free event for children from prekindergarten through fifth grade.

Classes will be from 5:30-8:30 p.m. at the church, 210 Wyoming St., and include music, games and snacks in addition to lessons.

Participants do not have to register in advance, but can at the church prior to the first night.

For more information, call 702-293-1912.

Harmony Handbells choir to present ‘Sounds of Spring’

The Harmony Handbells will present a concert, “Sounds of Spring,” hosted by Boulder City United Methodist Church, at 3 p.m. Sunday, June 3, at Elaine K. Smith Center, 700 Wyoming St.

The concert will feature music inspired by flowers, picnics and spring, and will include selections from the classics, jazz and Disney.

Admission is free; donations are appreciated.

Care Act topic for rural service providers at June 4 meeting

The Homestead at Boulder City will co-host a program with AARP about the Care Act at 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 4.

The presentation will be part of the Thank Goodness I’m Rural group, which features a mix of admissions/discharge personnel and marketing professionals who work with senior citizens in rural communities.

Guest speaker will be Lynda Hascheff, community outreach director for AARP Nevada.

Refreshments will be served.

The Homestead is at 1401 Medical Park Drive.

For more information or to RSVP, contact Tanya Vece at 702-294-8720, ext. 7010.

‘Mojave Desert’ authors to speak at garden club meeting

The Boulder City Garden Club will meet at 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, June 6, at Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd. Authors Lawrence Walker and Fred Landau will discuss their new book, “A Natural History of the Mojave Desert.”

The authors’ presentation will begin at 6:45 p.m. All are welcome to attend.

What is a colonoscopy and why you need one

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Cancer Society recommend people aged 45-75 get a colonoscopy every 10 years.

Tract 350 set to take another step forward

The next step in finally realizing the decade-and-a-half-long plan for a housing development butting up against the Boulder Creek Golf Course is set to happen in the city council meeting scheduled for next week.

King looking to fill key positions

Martha P. King Elementary School is looking for dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team! We currently have two vacant positions that offer a wonderful opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the lives of our students.

City has major projects on plate

The city is taking on several projects in 2025, all designed to help keep Boulder City a great place to live, work, play and retire. Think of them as the Four P’s: Power, PD, Pool, and Pickleball. Each project has different funding components.

Helping Out

Photo courtesy Roger Hall

Garrett named Nevada STEM school

Garrett Junior High School is proud to announce that we were recently selected as a Governor Designated Nevada STEM School by the Office of Science Innovation and Technology of Nevada (OSIT).

The Sound of Music

Photos by Ian Cruz • Boulder City Review

Seniors turning the page

As we are approaching graduation, many seniors are finalizing college applications, scholarships and preparing for their new adventure.

Student engagement key at Mitchell

At Mitchell Elementary School, we are continually looking for ways to engage our students in learning and leadership.