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Community Briefs, Feb. 22

Church to host ‘Ladies Night Out’

A Ladies Night Out will be sponsored by the Grace Community Church Women’s Association from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, Feb. 23, at the church, 1150 Wyoming St.

The festivities will include a presentation by comedian Kenny Larson and games.

The evening will start with dinner. Those attending are asked to bring a side dish to share. Banana splits will be provided by the association.

Library to mark end of winter reading program

Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd., has several activities planned for the coming week. These include:

■ Lego challenge, 3:30 p.m. today in the community room. The session is designed for those 6 and older.

■ Library board of trustees meeting, 7 p.m. today in the board room.

■ Drop-in story time, 10 a.m. Friday in the board room. For those birth to 5 and their caregivers.

■ Anime club, 3:30 p.m. Friday in the community room. For those in junior high grades.

■ End of winter reading program party, 5:30 p.m. Friday in the community room.

■ Baby lap-sit story time, 10 a.m. Tuesday in the board room. For those birth to 24 months and their caregivers.

■ Crochet for a cause, 2:30 p.m. Tuesday in the community room. Learn how to crochet a sleeping mat for the homeless out of plastic bags. For those 12 and older.

■ Toddler story time, 10 a.m. Wednesday in the board room. For children younger than 36 months.

■ Positive Action, 3 p.m. Wednesday in the board room. For those 12-18.

Call 702-293-1281 for details, reservations or more information.

Night sky program, invasive plant removal planned at Lake Mead

Lake Mead National Recreation Area has a variety of special events happening in the coming week. These include:

■ Volunteer program, Sahara mustard pull, 9 a.m. Saturday. Volunteers are needed to help preserve rare and endangered plant species at the recreation area by removing invasive plants. Join a ranger from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to learn about Sahara mustard, how it affects plant ecosystems and travel by boat to a selected cove to help remove it. Space is limited to 12 people;. For details or registration, call 702-293-8711 or email hriannon_rowlands@nps.gov.

■ Ranger program, “Chasing the Stars,” 6:30 p.m. Saturday at the Boulder Beach amphitheater. Join rangers and members of an astronomical society to learn about the night sky and discuss the impacts of light pollution. A telescope will be set up from 7 to 9:30 p.m.

Welcome committee needed to virtual Honor Flight travelers

People to “welcome home” World War II and Korean War veterans who are participating in Honor Flight Southern Nevada’s virtual experience are being sought by the nonprofit organization.

Veterans will be welcomed home by volunteers with signs and flags after their luncheon Saturday, Feb. 24, at Vegas PBS, 3050 E. Flamingo Road, Las Vegas, where they will be treated to a virtual tour of the war memorials in Washington, D.C. The luncheon is set to end at 1:30 p.m.

For more information, visit www.HonorFlightSouthernNevada.org.

St. Christopher’s to host Lenten services, soup dinners

St. Christopher’s Episcopal Church will host Stations of the Cross at 6 p.m. every Friday of the Lenten season. Services will be followed by a soup supper and discussion group.

All are welcome.

Reservations are requested and can be made by phone at 702-371-3577.

What is a colonoscopy and why you need one

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the American Cancer Society recommend people aged 45-75 get a colonoscopy every 10 years.

Tract 350 set to take another step forward

The next step in finally realizing the decade-and-a-half-long plan for a housing development butting up against the Boulder Creek Golf Course is set to happen in the city council meeting scheduled for next week.

King looking to fill key positions

Martha P. King Elementary School is looking for dedicated and passionate individuals to join our team! We currently have two vacant positions that offer a wonderful opportunity to make a meaningful impact in the lives of our students.

City has major projects on plate

The city is taking on several projects in 2025, all designed to help keep Boulder City a great place to live, work, play and retire. Think of them as the Four P’s: Power, PD, Pool, and Pickleball. Each project has different funding components.

Helping Out

Photo courtesy Roger Hall

Garrett named Nevada STEM school

Garrett Junior High School is proud to announce that we were recently selected as a Governor Designated Nevada STEM School by the Office of Science Innovation and Technology of Nevada (OSIT).

The Sound of Music

Photos by Ian Cruz • Boulder City Review

Seniors turning the page

As we are approaching graduation, many seniors are finalizing college applications, scholarships and preparing for their new adventure.

Student engagement key at Mitchell

At Mitchell Elementary School, we are continually looking for ways to engage our students in learning and leadership.