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Community Briefs

Turkey Trot to race through Lake Mead area

Lake Mead National Recreation Area has a variety of special events happening in the coming week.

These include:

Turkey Trot: The ninth annual race is expected to attract around 1,000 athletes Thursday who will race through the recreation area on the Historic Railroad and River Mountains Loop trails.

Ranger hike: Liberty Bell arch, Friday. Join a ranger for the hike that passes the remains of a World War II-era mine. It is about 6 miles round trip. Reservations requested.

Ranger chat: "The Mojave Desert: A Magical Land," 11:30 a.m. and 1 p.m. Sunday at the Alan Bible Visitor Center, 10 Lakeshore Road. Participants will learn about flora and fauna found in the desert.

Call 702-293-8990 for additional information or to make reservations.


Movie, teen time fill library's schedule

Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd., has several activities planned for the coming weeks. These include:

Teen movie, 5 p.m. Monday in the community room. "Insurgent" will be shown. Bring blankets and snacks.

Teen time, 2:30 p.m. Wednesday in the community room. Those 12 and older are invited to come play games, work on homework or just hang out.

Note: The library will be closed today for Thanksgiving.

Call 702-293-1281 for details, reservations or more information.


Bees topic of garden club speaker

The Boulder City Garden Club will meet at 6:45 p.m. Dec. 2 at the Boulder City Library, 701 Adams Blvd.

Guest speaker will be Rita Bowman, who will talk about beekeeping.

All interested people are welcome to attend.

For more information, call Libby Powell at 702-293-9064.


Club to sell Doodlebug raffle tickets

Members of the Boulder City Community Club will be selling tickets for its raffle featuring prizes donated by those participating in the 41st annual Doodlebug Bazaar on Dec. 3 and 4 outside the Boulder Dam Credit Union, 530 Avenue G.

Raffle tickets also will be sold during the craft bazaar, scheduled from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 5 at the Boulder City Parks and Recreation Center, 900 Arizona St.

Admission to the bazaar, which features more than 130 vendors, is free.

Proceeds from the raffle ticket sales and bazaar are used by the club to support community organizations, events and activities.


Lend A Hand drawing to award sightseeing tours

Lend a Hand is offering area resident the chance to win a sightseeing tour through its fundraising raffle. Two trips to the Grand Canyon and a tour of the Las Vegas Strip will be awarded.

The tours are an airplane tour of the Lake Mead, Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon's South Rim provided by Grand Canyon Airlines; a helicopter tour of the Lake Mead, Hoover Dam and the Grand Canyon provided by Serenity Helicopters; and a night tour of the Las Vegas Strip provided by 5 Star Grand Canyon Helicopter.

Each tour is for two people.

Tickets are $5 each and will be sold through Dec. 4.

Tickets are available at the Lend A Hand office, 400 Utah St., Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, 465 Nevada Way, and on Mondays and Fridays in front of Boulder Dam Credit Union, 530 Avenue G.

All proceeds will benefit the nonprofit organization that aids senior citizens, handicapped and disabled residents.

The winners will be announced Dec. 5 at the Santa's Electric Light Parade. They do not need to be present


Class for pet owners to focus on anxiety

Professional Pet Room & Groom is offering a series of talks about responsible pet ownership. The first, dealing with anxiety, will be presented at 3 p.m. Dec. 6 at the business, 707 Canyon Road, Suite 105a.

Each session will begin with a short video presentation, followed by a discussion. They should last about one and a half hours.

There is no cost to participate, but each person is asked to bring a donation of pet food for See Spot Run's holiday food drive for Emergency Aid of Boulder City.

For more information, call 702-294-3111.


See Spot Run collecting pet food for needy

See Spot Run is helping Emergency Aid of Boulder City and is seeking donations of pet food for those in need.

Dry or canned dog and cat food and bird food, as well as cat litter are among the items needed. All donations must be in their original packaging and be closed and not expired.

A large container for donations will be placed at the nonprofit dog park at Veterans' Memorial Park, 1650 Buchanan Blvd. They will be picked up daily.

Donations will be collected now through Dec. 24.

Additionally, donations can be brought to Professional Pet Room & Groom, 707 Canyon Road.


Grace's women's group to hold Christmas Tea

The Grace Community Church Women's Association will hold its Christmas Tea at 1:30 p.m. Dec. 9 a the church, 1150 Wyoming St.

The Green Valley Madrigal Singers will perform in the church sanctuary. They will present sacred Christmas music. Afterwards, they will move downstairs to the church's dining room where they will sing secular Christmas music and share tea and treats with those attending.

All are welcome to attend. Admission is free.

For more information, call Linda Graham at 702-278-6603.


Blood drive to be held Dec. 10

Area residents are being asked to donate blood for the Boulder City community and Boulder City Hospital blood drive. It is scheduled from 1-7 p.m. Dec. 10 in the gymnasium at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 916 Fifth St.

Appointments can be made online at www.unitedbloodservices.org using the code bouldercity or by calling Lee McDonald at 702-795-8335.


Red Mountain Choir brings holiday music to stage

Red Mountain Choir will perform "Christmas on Stage" at the Elaine K. Smith Center at 7:30 p.m. Dec. 11 and 12.

The concert will spotlight songs, old and new, from movies, stage plays and George Frideric Handel's "Messiah," which "burst onto the stage" of Musick Hall in Dublin on April 13, 1742.

The Red Mountain Choir, conducted by Lisa Gillespie and accompanied by Ashley Peel, will be joined by select students from King Elementary School, conducted by Lanette Coker.

Joining the choirs will be musicians Adam Hallan on percussion, Tim Thomas on bass, Cory Jones on guitar and Lindsay Sommerhalder on flute.

Tickets are $10 for adults, and free for children and students. They can be purchased at the door or Boulder City Chamber of Commerce, 465 Nevada Way. Children younger than 5 will not be admitted.


Ugly sweater contest part of wine walk

The Best Dam Wine Walk presented by the Chamber of Commerce continues its series of walks from 4-8 p.m. Dec. 12. Those attending are invited to wear their ugliest Christmas sweater; winners will be announced at the end of the evening.

Stop by the Chamber of Commerce at 465 Nevada Way first to get a glass and map of participating locations.

The event is part of Second Saturday, which also includes family-friendly activities such as human foosball, a giant corn hole and entertainment.

Cost of the wine walk is $25 a person or $45 a couple.

Soaring like an Eagle

By Abby Francis

Mind over matter

“You have the power over your mind, not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius

Cool down your home with hot-weather tips

It’s that time of year again when triple digits fill the week’s weather forecast. We know with rising temperatures come rising utility bills (often accompanied by rising blood pressure, yikes).

A popular Eagle tradition

The annual Boulder City High School Grad Walk was held this past Friday.

May the Fourth Be With You (a day early)

LEFT: Sophomore Delaney Loeslein gets some assistance during the class challenge of Hungry, Hungry Hippo at Friday’s BCHS year-end assembly.

DIY could be more costly and risky than DIFM

Back in the days of my home-show appearances, attendees would often ask me the same kind of question—“Do you think I could renovate my own bathroom (kitchen, bedroom…)?” To which I would always answer, “Do you know how to replace a light switch?” That would always make them chuckle.

Therapy dogs make testing ‘stress free’ at King Elementary

Test anxiety is a common concern for teachers, parents, and students, especially this time of year for King students as they prepare to take the state test for the first time.

Statehouse daughter heads services to veterans

It’s not out of the ordinary for journalists to sometimes leave the profession and try something new. Especially when they feel a family connection urging them to enter into a divergent field of employment. That’s what happened to one local individual.

Howard turns passion into full-time job

For many self-published authors, the passion to put words on a page ends up being a hobby they do when everyday life frees up a few minutes here and there to do so.