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Chamber honors businesses, those who serve community

Boulder City Chamber of Commerce recognized the achievements of local residents, businesses and nonprofits during its annual awards and installation dinner June 24.

During the event held at the Hoover Dam Lodge, chamber CEO Jill Rowland-Lagan touched upon the challenges of the past year as the community dealt with the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We may not truly have conquered the disease really and we mourn the loss of many and still need to thank so many that served us during this last year,” she said. “… we, as a chamber, fought hard to help our businesses, to help our investors and to help our community … . A battle that still saw grand openings and new, creative, out-of-the-box ways to stay in business and see that our neighbors were taken care of.”

She said the community’s health and strength feels a “bit more solid” after all the struggles.

This was evident by the contributions to the community by the evening’s awards winners.

Conner Armstrong of Moonwalker Cleaning received the Bert Hansen Business Person of the Year Award for his positive attitude and ever-present willingness to help his family’s business, the chamber and the community.

The Eva McGarvey Member of the Year Award was presented to Don and Laurie Rodriquez of Superior Builders, who were instrumental in helping the chamber settle into its new home at the Nevada State Welcome Center on Nevada Way, donating hours of time and materials.

Michael Mays, Boulder City’s acting city manager and community development director, was presented with the Alice Isenberg Memorial Award for his professionalism, fair and balanced approach, ability to find a solution to problems and concern for the business community.

Jon and Norma Barth of Barth Electronics were presented with the Bob Sears Lifetime Achievement Award for their longtime commitment and service to the community. They started their business in 1964 in Ohio and continued operating it after moving to Boulder City in 1976.

The Goldie Begley Energizer Award was given to Heather Abel of Rail Explorers for her energy, enthusiasm and plentiful ideas that she puts into action.

The Nonprofit of the Year Award was shared by the Rev. Adam Stetson and Christ Lutheran Church and the Rev. Jason King and Calvary Chapel of Boulder City. The two churches ensured there were enough volunteers to assist with Spring Jamboree, cleaning the parks while building stronger relationships among congregants.

Additionally, the Chairman’s Award winner for 2020-2021, the city’s Emergency Operations Center’s vaccination team, was honored again.

“It just can’t be stated enough how simply impressive this team was and how instrumental they were in Boulder City weathering the pandemic,” said incoming chamber Chairman David Lusvardi.

Judge Victor Miller installed the new board of directors. Serving for the 2021-2022 year will be Lusvardi, chairman; Luana Fritz, vice chairman; Pam Leon, treasurer; Randy Hees, past chairman; and Monica Preston, Eva Lawrence-Fischer, Sarah Iwinsky, Michael Mays and Taryn Troll, board members.

Sam Knudsen, who completed her term on the board, was recognized for her service.

In looking forward, Rowland-Lagan said she hoped a small gift, a package of sparklers featuring the chamber’s new logo, will “spark a little more adventure and hope as we embark on new opportunities.”

Hali Bernstein Saylor is editor of the Boulder City Review. She can be reached at hsaylor@bouldercityreview.com or at 702-586-9523. Follow @HalisComment on Twitter.

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